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The struggles (social, financial and political) of Petroleum V. Nasby

embracing his trials and troubles, ups and downs, rejoicings and wailings, likewise his views of men and things : together with the lectures "Cussid be Canaan," "The struggles of a conservative with the woman question," and "In search of the man of sin"



54. LIV.

The follerin sam uv hoomiliashen and agony will be chanted
in every Church in my dioceese, all day, every Sunday, until the
Confedrits win a victry:


In the valley and shadder sit we!

Job hed biles, but he scraped hisself with a oyster-shell!


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Naman wuz a leper, but he dove into the Jordan, and come
out ez good ez new!

Sampson hed his hair shingled and wuz weak as watered
whisky, but it growd agin and he busted his enemies!

We hev biles and are rotten with em, but where's the comfortin

We hev leprosy, but where's the Jordan to jump into?

Our hair is short, and ther's whar our enemies hev got us,
but wher's the restorative to make it grow agin?

Job, and Naman, and Sampson, all together, wuzn't as bad off
ez we.

We kin throw in Lazarus with his sores, and the dorgs a
lickin uv em, and then give em 50 in a 100 and beat em.

For we nominatid Micklellan and Pendleton, at Chicago, and
wun is a war man and tother is a peace man.

The ox and the ass is yoked — their heads and tails together.

And the team is pulling viggorusly, but instid uv goin
forerd, it's goin round and round.

Wale! O my peeple, for the ticket wuzn't war enuff, and
Cass hez bolted!

Gnash yer teeth! O ye saints, for the tickit wuzn't peace
enuff, and Vallandigum hez bolted!

We tried to ride two hosses, goin in two different direckshuns,
and we fell to the ground.

And both hosses turned on us and kicked us.

And Micklellan hez no chance — he won't hev the givin uv
the post-offises.

And Sherman took Atlanta, and chawd up Hood!

And Lee wants the Weldon road, but he can't git it.

And Governor Morton took the revolvers from the peace men
uv Injeany.

And the draft won't be resisted, and the provo marshels will
hev whole skins.

Wale! For Maine and Vermont, wich wuz tired uv the war,
and wuz a goin for Micklellan, hev voted Ablishn with a

Wale! For our rulers oppress us. They let their men vote
in the army, but won't let our men vote in Canady!


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Wale! For the Ablishnists shel hold the orfises, and we
shel be numbered among the outs!

Wale! For in the fucher I see no way uv livin but by

Why wuz I born into sich a world! Why wuz whisky
created, ef yoo can't git it without a price? Why wuz orfisis
establisht, ef them can't git em ez wants em the most?

Micklellan buried his thousands in the swamps uv the
Chickahominy — he hath buried his tens of thousands under
the platform he kicked over!

The Ablishnists jeer us, and flout us; they wag their heds
at us, sayin, “Go up, bald hed!”

And we hev gone up!

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.