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The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun

printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts: Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by F. J. Amours

collapse sectionII, III, IV, V, VI. 
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Qwhen Malcom̄ weddyt Sancte Mergret
And how in Scotlande scho was set.
A thowsande sexty ȝhere and sewyn
Fra Criste was born̄ þe kynge of hewyn̄,
Þe sewynde Gregor, pape of Rome,
And kepar of al Cristyndome,
And Henry þe Thride þan emperoure,
Þat lange tyme liffit in þat honoure,
Wilȝam Bastarde was fel wedande,
Sare his legis supprissande.
Be gret grewousse exaccionnys,
And outrageousse extorcionys,
Off ilk hid þat tyme of lande
In to þe kynrik þat he fande


Sex schillyngis [tuk] of swylk mone
As þan was oyssit in þat cuntre.
In þat ilka tyme was set
In til Scotlande Sancte Mergret,
As is wryttyn in to þis buk,
Qwha wil befor it reide and luyk.
Hir systyr þan dame Cristyane
Off religion þe wail had tane;
In þe New Castel apon Tyne
Scho was made none, and deit uergyne.
Malcom̄ our kynge þan til his wiff
Weddit Sancte Mergret; withe hir his liff
In leil spousse he thoucht to lede,
Depertit qwhyl þai sulde be wiþe dede.
Off Sancte Androwis bischope þan
Þe secunde Fothauche, a connande man,
Dewotly made þat sacrament,
Þat þai þan tuk in gud entent.
Malcolm̄ kynge be lauchful get
Had on his wif þan Sancte Mergret
Sonnys sex and douchteris twa.
Off þir sonnys thre of þa
Was Edmonde, Edwarde and Ethelrede;

The Wemyss ms. resumes here.

King of þir wes nane but dreid.
Bot Edgare, Alexander and Dauid ȝing,
Ilkane of þire wes crovnit king,
As ȝe sall heire now efter sone,
Quhen all þe laif till it is done.
To þire als þai had dochteris twa:
Mald þe eldest wes of þai,


And þe ȝoungest wes callit Mary;
Scho wes a plesand faire lady;
And how þir dochteris weddit ware
Ȝe sall heire sone forthirmare.
A thousand twa and sevinty ȝere,
William Bastard wiþ his powere
In Scotland come, and waistit syne
All þe land till Abirnethyne.
Bot, agane as he past hame,
Oure king him followit to Durehame,
And put him þare in sa gret dreid
That he fled forthwartis full gud speid.
Off Ewyshame þan monkis thre,
Commendit men of honeste,
Come and ordand in thai dais
Thre gret solempne abbais,
Durhame, Ȝork, and als Quhitby,
Religiouss to be perpetualy.
A thousand viiti. ȝeris and nyne,
Oure king Malcome raid to Tyne,
With his powere in Ingland
The cuntre forouth him waistand.
A thousand foure score and vii. ȝere
Efter þe birth of our Lord deire,
William Bastard tuke his deid.
Till him succedit William Reid,
That in Westminster tuke vnctioun,
Septure and coronacioun.


Betuix him and oure king þar wes
Noþer quyet, rest nor pess;
And sa our king Malcome of weire
In Ingland past with his powere,
And waistit all Northummyrland.
As he till Awnwik come rydand,
Throu sle tressoun þare he wes slane
With a traytour þat a fals trayne
Kest þe keyis him vp to ȝeild
Off þat castell he had to weild,
And þare ran throu him wiþ a speire;
For on þe king wes na irne geire.
And als þe Inglis in ostis lay
In hiddillis prevely þat day,
And semblit syne and facht in feild,
Thare mony deit þan vnder scheild.
And, for þe king wes slane throu cass,
And his sone als þat with him was,
Eduard eldest nixt Edmond,
The Scottis wes vincust on þat ground.
And quhen þis deid all þus wes done,
Sanct Margaret gat wittering sone
Be reuelacioun, þat wes maist
That scho had of þe Haly Gaist.
Than with deuocioun and gud entent
Scho tuke þe haly sacrament,
And of all chargis maid hir qwit,
And till hir Creature send hir spirit,
And deit in Edinburcht Castell.
Hir sone Etheldreid, quhen þis fell,
Wes his moder þan neire by,
And at þe west ȝet prevely
Gert haif þe corss furþ in a myst,
Or ony of hir ending wist,


And with hir body past syne
To þe Abbay of Dunfermelyne;
And þare forouth þe Rude altare
In hallowit steid þai laid hir thare,
And þare hir lord wes laid alsua,
And with þaim als þare sonnis twa,
Edwart and þis Etheldreid.
Bot Edmond eldest, as we of reid,
That wes a man of gret vertew,
Liffit and deit in Montagw,
That wes ane erldome gret in France,
And þare wes weddit þan throu chance;
And foundit of Cluny þe sell,
Thare now is ane abbay to tell,
Ane of þe worthy in all France.
Thare þis Edmond deit throu chance,
In to þat religiouss place,
Quhare his wonnyng mast þan was.
Sanct Margaretis body a hundreth ȝere
Lay befor þe Rude altere
Into þe kirk of Dunfermelyne;
Bot it wes efter translatit syne;
Into þe queire scho now lyis,
Hir spirit in to Paradiss.
And of þat ilk translacioun
Maid with veneracioun
The fest is ȝit vphalding ay
Befor Mydsomer þe fest day.
And quhen king Malcome þus wes dede,
Donald his broþer þan his steid
Fayndit to hald and bruke; þan he
Banyst Malcolmys sonnis thre,


Edgare, Alexander and Davy,
That fled fra þar emys fellony.
Thai had a broþer of purches,
That Malcolmys bastard sone þan was,
Duncane callit, and wes wonnand
With William Reid, þat of Ingland
Wes king þat tyme, and baire þe crovne.
This Duncane herd of þis tressoune
That his eme þan tuke on hand,
And in þe kinrik of Scotland
He come with powere of þe king
That Ingland had in gouernyng.
His eme Donald he chasit sa
That he þe flycht þan gert him ta,
And fra him haly wan þe land,
And wes a ȝere it þan weldand
And neire a half. Bot þe thayne þan
Off þe Mernys, a manly man,
Agane Duncane wiþ his powere
Raiss wiþ Donald in þat weire,
And put þis Duncane þan to deid,
And restorit Donald in his steid,
That regnyt as befor herd ȝe.
That stait þan held he ȝeris thre.
And þus þai twa men ȝeris five
In þe kinrik maid gret strive,
Till Edgar raiss, þat wes eldest,
And þat tyme to þe croune nerrest
Of all at liffand were of þe get
Off king Malcome and Sanct Margret.


On Donald he followit þan sa fast
Till at he tuke him at þe last,
And put him in presoun perpetuall,
And in it maid he end fynall,
As ȝe sall heire now he deit þare,
And quhat he did þan forþermare.
The Saxons and þe Scottis blude
In nationis twa befor þaim ȝude;
Bot þe barnetyme of þat get
That Malcome had on Sanct Margret
Drew samyn þan in full vnysoun,
To pass syne in successioun.
Off Sanct Androis bischop þan
Wes Turget callit, a cunnand man,
And of Durehame befor prioure,
And Sanct Margretis confessoure.