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Page 210

58. LVIII.

I hev made up my mind that the Suthrin Confedrisy
is a succeed, and that my fondest hopes
is about bein realizd. Troo, the next blast that
sweeps frum the Sowth may bring 2 our eers the
nooze uv Lee's defeet, but at present writin things
is favrable. Wat follers?

It 's plane that the Dimokrasy kin never liv in
peece with Noo Ingland. We cood endoor it wen
we hed the Suthrin Staits 2 balense em at the
poles, for wenever wun uv em startid a noosepaper,
or went a lectrin out West to spred Noo
Ingland ijees, we suspendid the liberty uv the
press and uv speech, by hangin the lectrer and
smashin the press. Wich is Dimokrasy.

The North-west must cut off from the East,
with a vew uv jinin the Confedrisy. Uv coarse,
them nashen woodent taik us with a debt on our
sholders, for they wood hev to repoodiate it; and
they air a gentlemanly stile uv peeple, who won't
do a dirty thing ef they kin git sumboddy else


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to do it for em, wich they hev never faled 2 do,
sence they bought up us Dimekrats. Hents, they
wood reqwire repoodiashen, wich we wood do
gladly and willinly, for these reasons, to-wit:

1. It woodent tech menny uv the fatheful, ez
them holdin greenbax and guvment bonds air almost
excloosivly Ablishnists. Therefour, it wood
be a punishin uv our enemies.

2. Ez a rool, the Ablishnists wood leve the country
in disgust, wich is benefishl in 2 ways: givin
the Dimokrasy clene sweep, and enablin evry indivijjle
uv em 2 git wun uv their farms—the only
way we 'll ever git em.

Then we 'd hev slaivry in the North-west.
Eckstatic thot! My hart dilates at the bair
ijee! I, Nasby, who hez bin refoozd credit for
likker—whose throte hez bin parcht becoz the
dime wuz not—who hez bin obleeged to obtane
his likker to sustane eggistense by stratejy—Nasby,
P. V., will hev a plantashen and—Niggers!
Won't I demonstrait the sooperiority uv the Anglo-Sacksun
over the Afrikin, by wallopin em!
Perhaps not! Won't I hev niggers for carpenters,
and blacksmiths, and bricklayers, and sich?
Won't we clean out the poor people, and establish
a ginooine aristocrisy—ownin laber, instid uv
hirin it? Won't we, the sooperior class, dodge


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the cuss uv laber—fillin our quota uv sed cuss by
puttin in nigger substitoots? Won't I spend my
days a suckin cocktales and my nites at poker,
sellin a family evry now and then to keep up
financis? Them 's happinis condenst—them 's my
ijees uv a terresterial paradise.

Hasten thy work, O Lee! Maik thyself strong,
O Boregard! Be wise and bold, O Jonson! Go
forrerd in yer nigger-killin, O Forist! and O, Davis!
(Jefferson) may yoo manij the hellum ez well
as they execoot yer commands! These is my

For wun victry for Lee, and a short crop, addid
to the taxis, and the drafts, and sich, will turn
enuff week Ablishnists in2 peece men 2 bust
Linkin, and elect a peese man. Then will I assoom
the speer in wich I am fittid to move.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.