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Page 206

57. LVII.

The Methdist, Presbyterean, Lutheran, and
uther hetrodox Churchis, air, to-day, the most
hefty obstikkles in the path uv the Dimokrasy;
and, to successfully oppose em, I institootid the
Church uv the Noo Dispensashun, uv wich I am
paster uv sed Church, in charge. Wat the Dimokrasy
now want is Church extension: hents this

Dimokrasy is bilt upon the one ijee that the
nigger is a babboon. That 's our corner-stun—
knock it out, and the entire fabric tumbles.

The hetrodox Churches insist that the nigger is
human, and that he hez a sole 2 saiv and fit it for
the skize. This doctrin, ef it pervales, nox Dimokrasy
higher ner a kite. For why? Bekos: ef
the nigger's human, and not a beest, wher 's
slaivry? Ekko answers, No whair. Bekoz: the
commandment sez, “Thow shalt not steel,” et
settry. Ef the nigger's a man, we steel wen we
taik his laber. Ef he 's a beest, wy, then, we hev


Page 207
dominyun over him, and may use him ez we do
the pashent ox.

The pint is plane.

The Church uv the Noo Dispensashun, uv wich
I am paster uv sed Church, in charge, devotes
its entire intellek to constrooin the Skripters in
akordence with the Dimekratik ijee.

Sum uv our brethren, who still hev Methdist
and Presbyterin sooperstishuns in2 em, appollygize
for their support uv the grate instooshn, by
insistin that they bring the Afrikin over 2 this
country for the purpis uv chrischenizin uv him.
Away with sich nonsents! I 'll nun uv it. Is it
chrischenlike 2 ceeze a man in his naytiv land
and bring him 2 a furrin shore agin his will?
Agin: Ef that 's evangelikle, is it proper 2 maik
the forsibly evangelizd heethen work for his bord
and wun soot uv cheep cloze, per annum, continooally
bein perswadid to renood effort by the
cat-o'-nine tales? Ther is grate gane in sich godlinis—at
leest 500 per sent. Most ennybody will
go in2 the mishnary biznis on them terms. I,
week ez I am, kin bare sich a cross. Besides,
wen yoo 've got a cargo convertid, why don 't yoo
send em back? Dostest thow desire 2 convert
their children? O mizable subterfooj! Ef the
parience wuz convertid, woodent the children be?


Page 208
Ef that 's yer ijee, what do ye sell em for? Hev
yoo took a morgaje onto em for expensis incurd
in bringin uv em here, and hev yoo the power uv

Bosh! (A expreshun uv disgust.) Ef they 're
human, they hev a warranty deed for their boddis
and soles, the saim ez we hev. Hents, ez slaivry
is nessary 2 the Dimekratik party, we must defend
it on solid ground.

Ther4 my Church, uv wich I am sed paster, in
charge, strikes out boldly, and teeches that a nigger
is a BABBOON—a beest. Wen wild, he 's
enny boddy's property that capchers and tames
him; after wich, him and his young is abslootely
his, to do with as seemeth good in his site.

Troo, amalgamashen, wich alluz apperes to be
practist wher the instooshn exists, is agin us, for
wen a slaiv hez a man for a father, he 's only half
babboon. But I never seed enny Dimekratik
principple that hed n't a week pint in it.

We want munny to establish our Church. We
must send mishnaries to Northrin Illinoy, to the
Western Reserve, and 2 Massychusitts. It taiks
munny for our preechers to live now, for whisky
is 10 sents per drink, even in the most obskoor
doggrys. Men and brethrin, kum 2 our ade.


Page 209

We hev no lack uv labrers in this grate vin-yard.
Evry yere the uther Churchis expel more
or less uv their preechers, for irregelaritis in
swappin hosses, and for extreme conwiviality and
sich, who er willin to be reseevd in2 our buzm.
They are reddy; all we want is means to set em

Remittencis uv 10 cents and upwards thankfly
reseevd. I 'm President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Bord uv Trusteez uv the Associashen.
Remit librally and to wunst. The high karicter
uv the offishary is suffishent garantee that the
munny will be properly applide.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.