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55. LV.

J. Davis:

I address yoo in the bowils uv luv. I address
yoo ez the hed uv that Church wich I establisht
to defuse a gospil wich wuz suffishently elastic
2 save lokofokos and wimin-whippers, uv wich
classis I and yoo is shinin examples. I address
yoo, O, Gefferson D., ez wun frum the graiv, for,
in a polittikle pint uv vew, that 's where I 've bin


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ever sence yoo commenst that little effort at independense,
wich yoo hev not finisht yit. I hev
no dout that ewenchooally you 'll sucseed—nary
dout. Troo, we made sum erers. In sposin wun
Sutherner wuz ekal to 5 Northrin men, we wuz
slitely sold. Also, wen we spozd the Dimokrasy
uv the North hed the pluck 2 openly resist the
tirent Linkin, we wuz deceevd muchly. Still,
they hev dun yoo, perhaps, ez much good as tho
they hed tuck up arms. But they did it in their
own way, wich is sneakin. Evry animule goze at
its biznis in a stile pekoolyer 2 itself. The eagle
sores magestikly thro the bloo empyriam at it;
the sarpint crawls on his belly at it. The shivelry
wantid the life uv the guvment, and it sored
at it; the Northrin Dimokrasy wantid the same
thing, and it sneaked at it. But remember, O,
Gefferson, the fang uv the sarpint is ez dedly ez
the talens uv the eagle.

But 2 resoom. You 've found the eagle stile uv
doin things a hard rode to travil; spozn yoo try
the snaik? Gefferson, surrender. Ask uv the
Northrin Staits that they each appint a commissioner
to arrange the terms uv yoor kumin back.
Name yoor men, and be shoor that Fernandywood
uv Noo York, and sammy Cox uv Ohio, and the
ever-blessid Brite uv Ingeany, is uv them. Ef the


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goriller Linkin refoozes, wat then? Methinks
we hev him. Let him refooze enny offer uv peese,
and enuff week-need Ablishnists will jine the
ranks uv the Dimokrasy, (wich is now, alluz hez
bin, and ever will be yoors 2 kommand,) to enable
us to carry the next eleckshun. Then, O,
then, Gefferson, woodent the old times kum agin?
Woodent they?

Then, spozn he submits, and yoo disband yoor
armies, and surrender on good terms, wat then?
Can't yoo see that the peeple wood cry hozanner
2 us for bringin about a peese, and woodent we
carry the eleckshun on that? O, no! not enny!

Yoo know wat wood foller yoor return. The
Dimokrasy uv to-day is the saim ez they wuz under
Peerse and Bookannon. The Ethiop can not
change his skin, ner the lepperd his spots, and
Noo Gersey is Noo Gersey still. Our kneez are in
good workin order, and our bax is limber. We
are a mule, saddled and bridled—mount and ride.
To rool is yoor normal condishn—to serve is ourn.
Rool, Gefferson; all we ask is a long pull, a strong
pull, and a pull altogether, at the trezry. That 's

Gefferson, these segestion is frum a Dimekrat
uv thirty years standin—wun whose record shoze
no skratched tikkits, and whose nose no watered


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whisky. Do not throw em aside unconsidered.
They 're yoor last chanse and our last hope. Yoo
may win by fitin, but alars! I can't wate 20 years
for a post-orifis. Long ere that time whisky will
hev dun its perfick work upon me, and I shel hev
pegd out. I want reddy releef, and that 's wat 's
the matter with the entire party. Our weel, our
wo is in yoor hands. Gefferson, be wise.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.