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Page 28

2. II.

South Carliny and sevral other uv the trooly
Dimecratic States hev secesht—gone orf, I may
say, onto a journey after ther rites.

Wingert's Corners, ez trooly Dimecratic ez any
uv em, hez follered soot.

A meetin wuz held last nite, uv wich I wuz
chairman, to take the matter uv our grievances
in2 consideration, and it wuz finally resolved that
nothin short uv seceshn wood remedy our woes.
Therefore the follerin address, wich I rit, wuz
adoptid and ordered to be publisht:


In takin a step wich may, possibly, involve the
state uv wich we hev bin heretofore a part into
blood and convulshuns, a decent respeck for the
good opinion uv the world requires us to give our
reasons for takin that step.

Wingert's Corners hez too long submitted to
the imperious dictates uv a tyranikle government.
Our whole histry hez bin wun uv aggreshn on the


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part uv the State, and uv meek and pashent endoorence
on ours.

It refoosed to locate the State Capitol at the
Corners, to the great detriment uv our patriotic
owners uv reel estate.

It refoosed to gravel the streets uv the Corners,
or even re-lay the plank-road.

It refoosed to locate the Penitentiary at the
Corners, notwithstandin we do more towards fillin
it than any town in the State.

It refoosed to locate the State Fair at the Corners,
blastin the hopes uv our patriotic groserys.

It located the canal 100 miles from the Corners.

We hev never hed a Guvner, notwithstandin
the President uv this meetin hez lived here for
yeers, a waitin to be urgd to accept it.

It hez compelled us, yeer after yeer, to pay our
share uv the taxes.

It hez never appinted any citizen uv the place
to any offis wher theft wuz possible, thus wilfully
keepin capital away from us.

It refoosed to either pay our rale-rode subscripshun
or slackwater our river.

Therefore, not bein in humor to longer endoor
sich outrajes, we declare ourselves Free and Independent
uv the State, and will maintain our position
with arms, if need be.


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There wuz a lively time next day. A company
uv minit men wuz raised, and wun uv 2
minit men. The seceshn flag, muskrat rampant,
weasel couchant, on a field d'egg-shell, waves
from both groserys. Our merchant feels hopeful.
Cut orf from the State, direct trade with the Black
Swamp follers; releest from his indebtedness to
Cinsinati, he will agin lift his head. Our representative
hez agreed to resine—when his term expires.

We are in earnest. Armed with justice and
shot-guns, we bid the tyrants defiance.

P. S.—The feelin is intense—the childern hev
imbibed it. A lad jest past, displayin the seceshn
flag. It waved from behind. Disdainin
concealment, the noble, lion-hearted boy wore a
roundabout. We are firm.

N. B.—We are still firm.

N. B., 2d.—We are firm, unyeeldin, calm, and

Till death,

Petroleum V. Nasby.