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To amendi aȝen holichirche al þat he adde misdo
& to vnderfonge þe erchebissop & to ȝelde aȝen al so
Him & oþer bissopes al þat he nom of hore
& al þat eni clerc adde þoru him oþer his ilore


& grantede alle þe franchises þat hii adde biuore
At douere biuore al þut folc þis oþ was isuore
& ȝe heyemen of þis lond vpe bok suore also
Þat ȝuf he wolde aȝe þis oþ eueremor out do
To turne alle aȝen him vort he to betere come
Þe king made ek is chartre to þe court of rome
To bicome þe popes man & homage him do
& eche ȝer him bere rente & is eirs al so
Eche ȝer a þousend marc & nouȝt a verþing lasse
Half to paye at estre & half at misselmasse
Seue hundre[d] marc to paye uor engelond
& walis & þre hundred marc to paye vor irlond
Al wiþoute petres peni so þat he nom
Þe croune of is heued þo holi þorsdai com
& tok is pandulf þe legat to ȝelde him sulue ywis
To þe pope innocent al clene & alle his
Of seinte peter & of him & of is successours of rome
To holde euere engelond & is eirs þat of him come
& ȝuf eni king it wiþsede þat after him com
Anon vor þulke trespas lore þe kinedom
& þus pleide þe king Ion to him & alle his
Verst to lese normandie & suþþe to paye þis
Þo it was al siker inou þat nouȝt nas bileued
Pandulf nom þe croune aȝen & sette vp on is heued
& pur was þe pes ymad he lokede arst wel rowe
More uor eye þan vor loue maniman serueþ howe
After þe erchebissop hii sende þo anon
& after þe oþer bissop ek þat hii come hom echon
At winchestre at sein swithines þo þe erchebissop co[m]
Þe king was & pitosliche aȝen him þun wey he nom
& riȝt atte churche dore he vel adoun akne
To þe erchebissopes fet as þut folc miȝte ise
& sede leue fader wel come mote þou be
God wot wuch is herte was vor he nolde him noȝt vnwr[e]
Þe erchebissop him asoilede at is vet as he lay
& wende vp & song þe masse a seinte margrete day


Þe king offrede him a marc & anoþer gywel þer to
Ac þe entredit of þis lond nas noȝt þo ȝut vndo
Vor þe pope nolde it nout vndo ar þe king ȝolde
Al þat he of clerkes nom wolde he so nolde
As he bi is lettres sende & ȝuf eni clerc vorȝeue out
Þe king of suich mis niminge þat it were al uor noȝt
So þat at sein bartelmewes tid þe bissopes come
& þe erchebissop to westmunstre & conseil þer of nome
Þere hii made ech clerc segge wat him binome were
& þe king enquerede of is men al wat hii awei bere
& þo hii were al at on he suor is oþ iwis
To ȝelde at sein nicholas tid at redinge ech man his
Ac ferlich it was iholde vor þe hexte þer was ibrouȝt
Somwat as uor hore del & þe pouerore nouȝt
Peris þe wise þat at corf in prisoun þo lay
Vor þe king of scapede holi þorsday
Harmles me him nom & mid hors to drou
& suþþe anhunge him & is sone at warham as mid wou
In þe ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fourtene al so
A gret conseil at londone of bissopes was ido
& of þe legat of rome so þat þe king & he
Were þere so at on as hii miȝte bise
Þat hii vndude þe entredit a sein swithines day þer
Wodnesday as was þo þat adde ilast er
Six ȝer & þre monþes þer was ioye inou
Me rong bellen in al þe toun & vaste þe ropes drou
Þo þe king hadde pays aȝe þe pope iwis
Þe baldore he was uor to do is barons amis
As in þe ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fiftene
Contek bigan bi tuene hom & noȝt vor noȝt ich wene
Vor hor wiues & hor doȝtren þe king ofte vorlay
& hangede men gultles vor wraþþe al longe day


& to drou & bileuede þe barons in o þouȝt
Nome hor conseil & sede þat hii nolde it þolie noȝt
Ne þe luþer lawes þat he huld ac bede him wiþdrawe
Is luþer wille & granti hom þe gode olde lawe
Þat was bi seint edwardes day & suþþe adoun ibroȝt
Þoru him & þoru oþere þat were of luþer þouȝt
Þe king glosede her & þer & made it somdel touȝt
Ac þo it com to þe strengþe he nolde it graunti nouȝt