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Dear Bro. Smith

We received yours of the 12th in good time, and we would
have acknowledged it sooner, but we have been very busy doing
nothing. We are thankful for your condolence in our turned out
condition. Dont you feel sorry? Well you perceive the Whigs must
all share the same fate. Kepler, Michel and Lumsdon and many others
have been turned out. Now aint I sorry? Yes I am that. But then
there is just as much room out of Washington as in it, and I dont
see the use of grieveing about it.

Since we came home we have had quite a wedding. Miss Mary
Kate has taken a rib. She was married last Tuesday. She had a few
friends to witness the ceremony, not being able to have much of a
wedding on account of her Father being so poorly.

Our E. R. went to school this morning for the first time.
We hope to see you soon.

Bro. Slicer has been very sick with an attack of inflamatory
rheumatism, and therefore has not been able to get me a place
in the new Administration. I do not think they will keep Whigs in
after the 1st of July. But he seems to think I must have a place,
and I leave the matter in his hands. He is a very influential
Democrat, and if he can get me a place I shall not object. By the
blessing of providence we enjoy good health. Eliza is tolerable for
her. She seems to be very thin, and I think she needs a visit to
Leesburg to put some flesh on her frame. How would it do for us
to come up and spend the summer? What would you charge for board
for three? I suppose you will soon have a Rail Road along up the
town branch, and then you msut have one to the Pt. of Rocks. I
have no news to give you. E. sends her love to Ellen etc., and E. R
sends hers also, and I send mine. Write soon.

M. G. Hamilton
Love to Bro. Rodgers family.