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Dear Eliza

Willie seems disposed to return today and if Peachey has
not gone with his aunt M. Jane to the country he had better some
out, unless you may fear that an opportunity of their getting
back in time for school, might not occur. The vacations are so
long that it would be a pity for them not to be in place at the
opening of school. Tucker is engaged at Frank Ruffins and as the
school does not begin until Oct. we have the pleasure of his
for five or six weeks yet. Rosalie would be very glad if
you would let your Rose come out in the carriage also. I Hope Dr.
H. will be able to escape from his duties for a few days, but have
not much expectation of it. We went to Church yesterday and heard
Mr. Nelson. He has earnestness of manners, and was sometimes
forcible in what he said, but he does not know how to manage his
voice well. He has the appearance of being in delicate health. I
do not believe he has positively decided on coming to this parish
yet, and I am afraid it is our only chance for a minister. Tell
Mary and Mr. Smith when they return that we will certainly
a visit from them in the course of September there would not be
much chance for it after the session began. I forgot to give Charley
the 25 cts. sent to him as I do not think he found it necessary
to have his shoes mended so that you can retain a quarter out
of the 50 cts. I sent, and only send me 25 of good peaches of
either kind, if they are not good today it is not of consequence
sending them now, as at this time I have some very good ones the
boys got for me last week not being bruised at all they keep
without rotting. I send you a half bushel of lima beans and some
tomatoes. I have not so many of the latter as I have had, they are
beginning to declino, and yours I suppose are just coming to perfection.
Those little pears I sent you are the best stewed I ever
tasted. I had not tried them when I sent them. Parboil them, pour
off that water and then add sugar and a little more water. They
have much more flavour than the larger ones.

With love to all
Your affec. sister
M. Rives
Flora desires me to say that "she thinks she is improving smartly,
and is very much pleased a great many calls were made on her
yesterday and she attended church with much satisfaction. Jonny
is anxious that she should spend some days with him this week.
He is a relative. I hope she will be much benefitted by the trip.