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My dear son Francis

Yours of 10th inst. is just reo.d & I wish to say one
or two things in reply, and in the first place I expect to hear
something about the action of the court in the confirmation of the
salo, but did not by yours. I saw by the papers that the court did
not remain over 2 days in session, not doing any contested business
but I presumed that they dispatched all plain business, as they
remained part of 2 days. I hope so at least. I wanted to correct
a blunder of Mr. Woods in his pork report. He wrote you in Dec.r
that he had sold 2418 lbs porj in Charlottesville @ 5 3/4 to be
paid at a future day. You say he reported to you 80 odd dolls for
pork. I wish you would get Edward to see if Mr. W. has made a mistake.
There is in one or the other. 2418 at 5 2/6 amts to $139.03 ¼
Let it be seen to soon. He is no scholar.

Your Bank statement is 998.72 Bal I say  988.72 
& if Mr. Wood deposits the Pork money  139.03 
Would leve to my credit  1127.75 

Subject to the cattle bill of $42.00

& Edwards & your demands.

The incendiaries are still at work. On Sunday night we had our
Or. Mtg broken up by 2 fires. Summy has detailed the acct in a
letter to Mary. There is an immense excitement here, vigilent commands,
patrols & all of the usual precautionary measures have been
taken. It seems to me that these must be crazy persons, or children
at the work for no sane man w.d risk his safety by working at so
early an hour & a moon light night.

We have fine weather here now, as warm as spring, & it
makes us think of moving. Tell Edw.d to write about the court,
clover seed etc. I have not yet heard from Mr. H. W. Fry of Richm.d
from whom I oredered 4 tons Mexican guano. I wonder if it was sent.
Love to all.

Yrs truly & affectionately
D. G. Smith
P. S. Your quotation of clover seed is high in C. In Beato it
is selling at 6.50 which is a decline & it is lower. I suppose Mr.
Flanagan will get it in Richm.d at 7 to 7½ so that it may cost us
about 8$ adding a com. to him.