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Mrs. Margaret F. StevensHarrisonburg Rockingham Cty Virginia
My dear Sister Mag:

Many thanks for the kind letter you sent me. I intended
answering it before I left home, but there was so much company
and confusion that I found it impossible to write with any degree
of pleasure, & defered doing so until I should come here. In coming
down I took cold & have been suffering so much that I could
not attempt writing, & even now I am so nervous that I find it
very difficult to compose myself sufficiently to write. I hope
my appology is sufficient with the promise that your next letter
shall be more promptly attended to, should I not again be wholly

I came down with the children & Charlotte a week ago on
yesterday, found all very well. The day after we came I spent with
Mary, together with Sister, & Maria, but was suffering so much
that I had to lie down the greater portion of the time. Mary had
every thing in the nicest order, & a very nice dinner. Maria
thinks she (Mary) takes more pleasure in her housekeeping & succeeds
better in many things than she does-though in the beginning
all the prophesies were in her favor. Mary I think is looking better
than I ever saw her, & seems perfectly happy. Maria is looking
rather lean, owing I suppose to nursing her babe. She has had a
good deal of trouble in getting a cook, & had to nurse both of her
children for several days & let Martha go in the kitchen which she
said had almost broken her down. Little Annie Harrison is a remarkably
sweet little creature—her features are not very symetrical
but her expression of face is so sweet and gentle. Lida I
merely saw, she has the whooping cough & I feared so much that my
children wd. take it that we left instantly upon her coming into
the room. She is looking very fat & well. Maria says however that
she is sometimes very sick at night, & is very troublesome. Tho'
tis said to be a very mild form of the whooping cough there have
been several deaths in Charlottesville from it, & I cant fully
get my consent for the children to have it, & will use every precaution
to prevent their having it, & if after all they have it
& it should prove serious I cannot charge myself with bringing it
upon them. I feel that I will be perfectly resigned to whatever
fate Providence may allot to them knowing that so long as I trust
in God all must work for my good.

A gloom still hangs over the University because of Mr. Courtncy's
death. Sister says his family bear it with remarkable fortitude.
What a comfort it must be to them to have such an assurance
of his happiness as he left. My heart is touched with deepest
sympathy when ere I see his little boys, they seem so unconscious
of their loss. They are staying at Dr. Howard's. Mrs. Cabell &
Mary McGuffy are all of the University Iddies that I have seen.
Mary asked me to go with my work & sit with her in her room. I
think I will do so before long. Mrs. Cabell seemed to appreciate
my every feeling, & said it was that which had kept her from coming
before when I have been here. On yesterday Sallie Stevens &
Ginnio Miller called to see us. Lucy & Mary Bell came up to the
Rotunda; but did not come here. Sister as yet has not had it in

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her power to call on them. I fear that I shall not be able to get
to see them at all. Suffering as I do, I think I would not be
justified in attempting the walk down. Sallie & Ginnie were looking
very well. John Harris has had another call to Richmond- he
was here on Saturday evening after dining at Mr. Maupin's. I
thought I never saw him looking so well. Tis said to be the opinion
of most persons that Ginnie will never marry him. Mr. Hart a
brother of Mrs. Addison Maupin's is said to be very much in love
with her. It seems hard that he should be treated thus after such
a manifestation of his love for her, but tis the fate of many.

He told us that Mother was in her usual health when he left
Harrisonburg a week before, but since then Brother received a letter
from Sister Mary saying that she was more ailing. I am sorry
to hear of it & sincerely hope she is much better ere this. I
wished very much that I had a letter ready for him, to have carried
you; as he kindly offered to carry bundles or messages—he said
he would go to see Mother & let her hear from us. I hope he did

Minnie & Lucy trouble me so that I scarcely know what I am
writing about. Charlotte is out & while I was getting Lucy from
the fire Minnie thought she would write a word to you & blotted
my letter. She sends her love a kisses to you & Williette. She
was wrapping up a needle for you too, but unfortunately she broke
it. She says I must tell you she's mighty sorry. How is little
Villiette getting on? Does her hair curl now? Tell me all about
the nice things you have made for her. Does she wear drawers yet?
Kiss her many times for me & tell her I'm going to take Minnie &
Lucy ever the mountains to see her.

Give a great deal of love to Mother, Sister Mary, Carrie,
& Fannie & Mr. Stevens for me & accept for yourself the best
wishes and sincere love of your deeply afflicted Sister

N. B. How is poor Mrs. Logna? Do you know if she ever got the
letter I wrote for her? When you see her again please remember
me kindly to her, & tell I would be glad to hear from her if she
can have the courage to write. Writing sometimes relieves my
heart of its load of sorrows as much as any thing else.
Do excuse this scrawl. I am really ashamed to send it.
Writing by candle light with children around I find is any thing
but agreeable.