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Dear Francis

I rec.d yours in relation to Mr. Wood & Higginbotham. I
have written to Mr. Wood & given such directions about the matters
as I deemed proper. I think Mr. Elmslie G. Higgenbotham a
very singular character. I wrote him from your house a very kind
& respectful letter requesting him to have the goodness to enclose
the F. M. Policy that I might get the description of the property
to have it reinsured. I have not yet heard from him, besides he
strangely neglects to call on you for the payment I left for him,
which he promised to do at his first visit. I w.d like to send
1000$ more, but for the uncertainty of getting it on the note. If
you should see him ask if a payment at Christmas of 2000$ w.d be
re.d on the Negro note. Having such a considerable interest now
in your county I feel restless & anxious to get out & the settlements
of matters here seem to drag, though we are doing as well
& we could expect & hope to do better in Jan settling time. I
told Mr. Wood to hire 3 men hands, good farmers. If you cam by advice
or counsel aid him do so. We would like to get the Boy Spotswood,
& his sister Lucy, in some good genteel boarding house till
we get out that they might learn to wait etc etc. I should like
to have him under your man to learn his housewaiting qualities

Why does not Mary write to us. I think she promised very

We are well for which & all of our Blessings we try to
cultivate greatful feelings to our good & kind God.

Yrs truly
D. G. Smith
P. S. There is a Pennsylvanian Issee by the papers in your town
selling fruit trees. If he will plant 50 of the peach trees on
Morven around the garden & through it in proper places & warrent
them to grow I will pay him in the summer at the rate of 15 to
20 cts each. If Edw.d could see him I w.d like the thing done.
Tell E.d to have them assorted of mostly early kind, white red &
yellow clings about one half, the other of the best open seed etc.
If done not to be pd for till it si ascertained that they will
grow. In haste.