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Dear Sis E.

I wrote you last week informing you that Mr. H. was
confined to his bed with an abscess in the rectum. It is not in
the rectum but near it. It was lanced on Sabbath morning and has
been discharging ever since. He suffers no pain from it now but
it is very sore. We keep much and fat poultices constantly applied.
They soften the part and keep the pus running. He is better but
very weak. The Dr. says with care in ouring this up, he hopes he
will have much better health than he has enjoyed for some time.
It is very slow in healing up and will probably confine him to
his bed several weeks longer.

We hope you are all well. Did you get my letter. Write
to us soon. Our love to all.

In great haste
yr aff Sis
E. P. Hamilton
(Mrs. M. G. Hamilton to Mrs. D. G. Smith)