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( Part of a letter from D. G. Smith written in 1852)

I just rec.d a long & affectionate letter from old Bro. Furlong.
He gives me a pretty full history of his family affairs & expresses
still his preference for Leesburg. Thinks it a better
place & better society in it than Hagerstown. We expect to invite
him to our reopening on 5th proximo. (we also expect Collins,
Busey & M. G. Hamilton). Bro. F's son Henry, a very interesting
young man & preacher has fallen into bad health, is quite infirm.
He is now in Balto Co. & getting better.

We shall have a beautifull church. Shall have the walls
frescoed. The painting is nearly completed & looks very nice. The
c. mt.g near this place was large but the results were small. The
Loudoun C. Mt.g commenced on Saturday last- one week ago. There
were but 3 sermons preached from the stand, so I am told. It is
said the grounds & roads were awfully bad. I was in Middleb.g on
Tuesday but would not venture out. None of the big guns attended
except Thos. Sewall & he but a day or two. S. Keppler was there &
did well.

The weather is alarmingly wet, while you in Albemarle it
is said are very dry. The wheat stacks here are green with sprouts,
& no doubt injuring, so with hay in stacks, & the corn although
looking well is not doing much in the way of maturing.

I saw Dr. Burt Gray yesterday. Said he saw you in Rockingham
etc. He is to marry in a few weeks with a Miss Tyler, miece
to Mr. Wm. B. He will settle & practice in Charlestown, Jeff. Co.

Let me suggest a theme for reflection & perchance a stimulous
to your christian faith. At least an encouragement to your
christian feelings. Man is a doubting creature. His faith is
often weak, so much so that the Blessed Saviour complains "Oh ye
of little faith." and again "Slow of heart to believe." Notwithstanding
the plain declarations of Gods word we often have an undisguised
dread of annihilation, cant believe fully in the immortality
of the soul. I will now suggest an idea that may serve
to confirm your faith. Man is a progressive being. None other of
Gods creation is like him. The animals are perfect in their nature
& instinct, the bird forms its first nest as perfectly as at any
subsequent period. The young Bee forms as perfect a cell as the
older & more experienced. But man is imperfect in all his efforts.
The mind is ever grasping & never satisfied. His powers are constantly
developing. The most unremiting efforts of man & the higheest
attainments are unsatisfactory to him. This proves the immortality
of mans nobler part, because although we say constant
changes are going on (in) the world nature never changes. This is
an eternal law the effects of causes remain the same. Carry out
this reflection.