November 18th 1916
Dear Mr. Joyce
Thanks for your letter with the enclosures for Mr. Huebsch and also
for the two sets of photographs.[1] I
forwarded the enclosures and one set of photographs and gave him your
message. I am sorry that the copy of "The Egoist" of January 15.1914
cannot be sent until the December number goes out for we have now to
send the American copies also through an agent having a special permit and
he wishes to be troubled as few times as possible.
There are a good many more readers (both English & American)
since your novel finished in "The Egoist": that is why I thought an article
by Mr. Pound would be useful. I had a letter[2] from him yesterday suggesting
that, for
variety's sake, I should ask Mr. Edward Marsh to write it but I hope that
he (Mr. Marsh) and some other writers (including Mr. H. G. Wells and
Mr. George Moore) may be willing to write reviews in other papers when
the book appears. I shall try and see Mr. Pound about this after I return to
London next week.
I read your slips for Mr. Huebsch and I thank you for mentioning
"The Egoist" and for your kind reference to me.[3]
I am glad to hear from Mr. Pound that you were rather better and had
had no more collapses. | With kind regards | Yours sincerely