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80. LXXX.

The noshun that skule houzens are cheaper than
stait prizens.

The noshun that men are a better krop tew raize
than enny thing else.

The noshun that the whole wurld is the markit
for a man's wits.

The noshun that a people who hav branes enuff
kant be governed bi enny body but themselfs.

The noshun that if yu kant make a man think az
yu do, try and make him do az yu think.

The noshun that the United States iz liable at
any time tew be doubled, but aint liable at enny
time tew be divided.


Page 223

The noshun that Uncle Sam kan thrash hiz own
children when tha need it, and kan thrash the hole
wurld besides.

The noshun that Yankees are a fourordained rase,
and kant be kept from spredding, and striking in,
enny more than turpentine kan when it once gits