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36. XXXVI.

This iz good advise. I don't kno who waz the
auther ov it, if I did, i wud go for rewarding him,
either with a sett ov plated ware, or a prize in the
art union. No man kould giv better advise, or consolashun;
he ought tew hav a 2 story monament,
when he dize, with an epitaff on it, founded on fack;
he ought tew hav at leaste fifteen hundred little
children named after him each year; he ought tew
be nussed in men's memorys like a plesant dreme,
that afterwards turned out tew be true. He ought
to hav his fotograph taken bi evry new sky-lite in
the land, he ought tew be sett tew musick, and be
sung in conneckshun with the docksaloger; he ought
tew be stereotyped, so that nu edishuns could constantly
be worked oph tew meet the pressing demand.

“Giv the Devil hiz due.” Yung man, this advise


Page 107
was got up for yu. If yu owe the Devil ennything
pay him off at onse, and then discharge him,
and dont hire him over agin at enny prise. That's
what the author ment. Be honest, pay even the
devil, if yu owe him, but dont owe him agin. If
the proprietor ov this most worthy proverb, “Giv
the devil hiz due,” still lives, altho i haint had the
pleasure ov an introducksion tew him, if he ever
wants enny thing, even good advise, he kan git it in
awl natiff purity and innersense, bi dropping a line
tu his everlasting well wisher.

Josh Billings.