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31. XXXI.

It is perfectly astounding how full ov clever fellows
the world iz. Yu kan find them almost ennywhere,
on the korner ov the streets, reddy tew say,
“mi dear fellow how are yu?” and adjourn at onst
tew the hotell and take a drink with yu. Yu can
find them in the churches, reddy tew slap yu on the
back and take yure meazure for a front pew, next
tew the Hon. Hannibal Herring Hallibut, Esq., at
the lucid figger ov $450 Dollars per year, and a
liberal chanse at the contribushun plate, twice evry
Sunda. Yu kan find them in the lucky possession
ov a blood bay pair ov geldings sired by Casshus M.
Klay, and jist refused tu the widder ov a defunk
sope biler, at $2700 dollars, but tew yu! confidensially!
tew yu!! tha will be placed at $2000. Yu
kan find them in nominashun for congress, bland,
fond, and peculiar, kneeling tew acksep yure sufrage


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as limber az a lover, ov the milk weed genus, at the
balmorell ov a $30,000 Dollars maiden.— Yu can
find them reddy tew indorse yure paper, yesterday,
for awl the munny in the institushun. Good Lord!
Good Lord! how thick tha are. I alwus treat theze
fellers kindly, jist az tho i loved them, but i alwus
stand in frunt ov them, az i do when i admire a
mule. I dont think tha hav az mutch malis az impudense,
and sum ov them are so innersent, that i
really beleaf tha think tha are honest. I dont think
the wurld could git along without theze clever feller,
tha ar jist what keep truth above par, and furnish
the romanse ov life with a continual freshness.
I sa, long live theze clever fellers! and when tha
die, if tha kan manage tew wiggle themselves into
the better land, i am the last man who will desire to
step on their tales.