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45. XLV.

A gest is sumthin that is sharp enuff to be notised,
and not rude enuff tu be resented.

“Solaman was a wize man,” but when he ced thar
warnt enny thing nu under the sun, he hadn't herd
ov Hudsin River time tables.

“Large bodys move slo,” this ere proverb dont apply
tu lies, for the bigger tha ar, the faster tha go.

The only wa tu pleze evra boddy, is tu make evry
boddy think yu ar a bigger fule than tha ar.

Ignorance is ced tu be bliss, this ma be so, I never
tried it.

It's just as natral for lawyers tu lie, as it is for a
white hared yung one's nose tu run.


Page 132

The man who kan ware a shirt a hole week, and
keap, it klean, aint fit for enny thing else.

The more we hav, the more we want, and the
more we want, the less we hav.

“The law ov nashuns;” iron klad gun botes.

Evra sorrow has its twin joy; the fun of skraching
almost pays for having the ich.