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58. LVIII.

Enclosed yu will be pleazed tew find my fotograff,
taken from life, on the spot, whare the circumstanze
occurred. I take the liberta tew send yu the picter,
for the 7 different ensuing reasons: 1 — Photograffs
are gitting skase. 2 — If you should ever meet me
by mistake, yu wud be able to kno me rite oph, bi asking
me if I resembled the pictur. 3 — I am a marrid
man, and am the author ov a familee, and therefore
the danger ov any femail fallin in luv with me, bi
cuming in contak with the picter, will be painfully
redused. 4 — It iz better that 99 humbly cusses
should eskape, than that one decent looking man
should suffer bi not having hiz fotograff taken.
5 — A grate menny folks, jist now at this time, are
troubled with a literature on the brane. This pictur
will put yu in clus communion with a man who haz
had this diseaze, but who haz so far rekovered, that


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he iz able to sit up and laff at others, who are trieing
to ketch the same disorder. 6 — I resembel this
pictur, and that ken be ced ov so few things in this
wurld, that i thought noboddy would git mad and
call me a verry d — n fule, for sirkulating the pictur.
7 — The artiss said I was hard tew take, and this
pictur was a triumph ov the art; he alzo added that
some ware so eazy tew take that it was actooally
dangerous tew leave ennything in their reach. These
reasons must be mi excuse for sending yu my pictur;
if it don't look as yu expekted i did, jist let me kno,
and i will have one taken that duz. Verry highly i
remane yures,

Josh Billings.