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32. XXXII.

God save the phools! and don't let them run out,
for if it want for them, wise men couldn't get a

Sum peoples branes are located in their heds.

We are told “that there want ennything maid in
vain,” but i hav thought that awl the time spent in
manufakturing striped snaix, and muskeeters, waz

If thare waz nothing but truth in this wurld, a
fool would stand just as good a chanse az a wize

True perlitenes consists in being anxus about the
welfair ov uthers; false perliteness consists in being
verry anxus about nothing.


Page 93

Robbers are like rain, tha fall on the just, and
the unjust.

If a man iz az wize az a sarpent, he can afford
to be as harmless as a dove.

We are ap tu hate them, who wont take our advise,
and despize them who do.

It iz dredful eazy tew be a phool — a man kan be
one and not know it.

Real happiness dont consiss so mutch in what a
man dont hav, az it duz, in what he dont want.

Fear iz the fust lesson larnt, and the laste one

Noboddy but a phool, gits bit twise bi the same