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C. Lennart Carlson, The First Magazine: A History of The Gentleman's Magazine (1938); Donald F. Bond, "The Gentleman's Magazine," Modern Philology 38 (1940): 85-100; Albert Pailler, Edward Cave et le Gentleman's Magazine (1731-1754) (2 vols.; Lille: Atelier Reproduction des Thèses, 1975).
For Johnson's contributions see Donald Greene and John L. Abbott, A Checklist of Writings Attributed to Samuel Johnson (New York: AMS, forthcoming).
"Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 228-233; "Further Additions to the Nichols File of the Gentleman's Magazine," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 249-254.
Donald D. Eddy, following up on a claim in Charles Harold Gray's Theatrical Criticism in London to 1795 (1931) 171-172, was the first to publish convincing evidence that Hawkesworth wrote the "X." reviews. (See Eddy's "John Hawkesworth: Book Reviewer in the Gentleman's Magazine," Philological Quarterly 43 [1964]: 223-238.) G. J. Finch ("John Hawkesworth, 'The Gentleman's Magazine', and 'The Annual Register,'" Notes and Queries 22 [1975]: 17-18) and James F. Tierney ("Edmund Burke, John Hawkesworth, the Annual Register, and the Gentleman's Magazine," Huntington Library Quarterly 42 [1978]: 57-72) corroborate Gray's and Eddy's claim, as does Arthur Sherbo in his unpublished study, "Counting Words: The Prose Styles of Samuel Johnson and John Hawkesworth."
Only 20 of the approximately 300 "X." reviews are listed in John Lawrence Abbott's John Hawkesworth: Eighteenth-Century Man of Letters (1982). No other Hawkesworth attributions in Abbott are duplicated in the present list. Likewise, the update here presented does not incorporate any of the identifications of authors found in Carlson's, Bond's, and Pailler's lists.
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