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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 256


Dear Sir, I have recd. your letter of Ocr. 25
requesting from me any information which would
assist you in preparing a memoir of Mr. Jefferson
for the Columbian Institute. Few things would give
me more pleasure than to contribute to such a task;
and the pleasure would certainly be increased by
that of proving my respect for your wishes. I am
afraid however, I can do little more than refer you
to other sources, most of them probably already
known to you.

It may be proper to remark that Mr. Ths. Jefferson
Randolph, Legatee of the Manuscripts of Mr. Jefferson,
is about to publish forthwith a Memoir left by his


Page 257
grandfather in his own hand writing, and if not in
every part intended by him for the press, is thought
to be throughout in a state well fitted for it. The
early parts are I believe purely, and in some instances,
minutely biographical; and the sequel,
embracing a variety of matter, some of it peculiarly
valuable, is continued to his acceptance of the
Secretaryship of State under the present constitution
of the U. States. Should this work appear in
time, it would doubtless furnish your pencil with
some of the best materials for your portrait.[88]

The period between his leaving Congress in 1776,
and his mission to France, was filled chiefly by his
labours on the Revised Code,—the preparation of
his "Notes on Virginia" (an obiter performance):—
his Governorship of that State:—and by his services
as a member of Congress, and of the Committee of
the States at Annapolis.

The Revised code in which he had a masterly share,
exacted perhaps the most severe of his public
labours. It consisted of 126 Bills, comprizing and recasting
the whole statutory code, British & Colonial,
then admitted to be in force, or proper to be adopted,
and some of the most important articles of the
unwritten law, with original laws on particular subjects;
the whole adapted to the Independent &
Republican form of Government. The work tho'
not enacted in the mass, as was contemplated, has
been a mine of Legislative wealth, and a model of


Page 258
statutory composition, containing not a single
superfluous word, and preferring always words &
phrases of a meaning fixed as much as possible by
oracular treatises, or solemn adjudications.

His "Notes on Virginia" speak for themselves.

For his administration of the Govt. of Virginia,
the latter chapters of the 4th vol. of Burke's history
continued by Gerardine, may be consulted. They
were written with the advantage of Mr. Jefferson's
papers opened fully by himself to the author. To
this may now be added his letter just published
from Mr. Jefferson to Majr. H. Lee, which deserves
particular notice, as an exposure & correction of
historical errors, and rumoured falsehoods, assailing
his reputation.

His services at Annapolis will appear in the
Journals of Congress of that date. The answer of
Congress to the resignation of the Commander in
Chief, an important document, attracts attention
by the shining traces of his pen.

His diplomatic agencies in Europe are to be found
only in the unpublished archives at Washington, or
in his private correspondence, as yet under the seal
of confidence. The Memoir in the hands of his
Grandson will probably throw acceptable lights on
this part of his history.

The University of Virginia, as a temple dedicated
to science & Liberty, was after his retirement from
the political sphere, the object nearest his heart,
and so continued to the close of his life. His devotion
to it was intense, and his exertions unceasing.


Page 259
It bears the stamp of his genius, and will be a noble
monument of his fame. His general view was to
make it a nursery of Republican patriots as well as
genuine scholars. You will be able to form some
idea of the progress and scope of the Institution
from the 2 inclosed Reports from the Rector for the
Legislature (the intermediate Report is not at hand)
which as they belong to official sets, you will be so
good as to send back at your entire leisure. I may
refer also to a very graphic & comprehensive exposé
of the present state of the University, lately published
in the "National Intelligencer," which will have
fallen under your eye.

Your request includes "his general habits of
study." With the exception of an intercourse in
a session of the Virginia Legislature in 1776, rendered
slight by the disparity between us, I did not become
acquainted with Mr. Jefferson till 1779, when being
a member of the Executive Council, and he the
Governor, an intimacy took place. From that date
we were for the most part separated by different
walks in public & private life, till the present Govr.
brought us together, first when he was Secretary
of State and I a member of the House of Reps.; and
next, after an interval of some years, when we
entered, in another relation, the service of the U. S.
in 1801. Of his earlier habits of study therefore I
can not particularly speak. It is understood that
whilst at College [Wm. & Mary] he distinguished
himself in all the branches of knowledge taught there;
and it is known that he never after ceased to cultivate


Page 260
them. The French language he had learned
when very young, and became very familiar with it,
as he did with the literary treasures which it contains.
He read, and at one time spoke the Italian
also; with a competent knowledge of Spanish;
adding to both the Anglo-Saxon, as a root of the
English, and an element in legal philosophy. The
Law itself he studied to the bottom, and in its greatest
breadth, of which proofs were given at the Bar which
he attended for a number of years, and occasionally
throughout his career. For all the fine arts, he had
a more than common taste; and in that of architecture;
which he studied in both its useful, and its
ornamental characters, he made himself an adept;
as the variety of orders and stiles, executed according
to his plan founded on the Grecian & Roman models
and under his superintendance, in the Buildings of
the University fully exemplify. Over & above
these acquirements, his miscellaneous reading was
truly remarkable, for which he derived leisure from
a methodical and indefatigable application of the
time required for indispensable objects, and particularly
from his rule of never letting the sun rise
before him. His relish for Books never forsook
him, not even in his infirm years and in his devoted
attention to the rearing of the University, which led
him often to express his regret that he was so much
deprived of that luxury, by the epistolary tasks,
which fell upon him, and which consumed his health
as well as his time. He was certainly one of the
most learned men of the age. It may be said of him


Page 261
as has been said of others that he was a "walking
Library," and what can be said of but few such
prodegies, that the Genius of Philosophy ever walked
hand in hand with him.

I wish, Sir, I could have made you a communication
less imperfect. All I say beyond it is that if in
the progress of your pen, any particular point should
occur on which it may be supposed I could add to
your information from other sources, I shall cheerfully
obey your call as far as may be in my power.

The subject of this letter reminds me of the "History
of the administration of Mr. Jefferson," my copy
of which, with other things disapppeared from my
collection during my absence from the care of them.
It would be agreeable to me now to possess a copy
and if you can conveniently favor me with one, I
shall be greatly obliged.

Accept, Sir, assurances of my continued esteem
& regard, with a tender of my best respects to Mrs.


From the original owned by the late J. Henley Smith of Washington.
Smith's address was printed in 1827 (Washington): "Memoir of
the life, character and writings of Thomas Jefferson; delivered in the
Capitol, before the Columbian institute on the sixth of January, 1827,
and published at their request."


The work was printed by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. It may
be seen in the Works of Jefferson (P. L. Ford), Federal Edition, i., 3.