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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir—I have just recd. yours of the 4th. A
few lines from Dr. Dunglison had prepared me for


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such a communication; and I never doubted that the
last Scene of our illustrious friend would be worthy
of the life which it closed.[83] Long as this has been
spared to his Country & to those who loved him, a
few years more were to have been desired for the
sake of both. But we are more than consoled for the
loss, by the gain to him; and by the assurance that
he lives and will live in the memory and gratitude of
the wise & good, as a luminary of Science, as a votary
of liberty, as a model of patriotism, and as a benefactor
of human kind. In these characters, I have
known him, and not less in the virtues & charms of
social life, for a period of fifty years, during which
there has not been an interruption or diminution
of mutual confidence and cordial friendship, for a
single moment in a single instance. What I feel
therefore now, need not, I should say, cannot, be
expressed. If there be any possible way, in which
I can usefully give evidence of it, do not fail to afford
me an opportunity. I indulge a hope that the unforeseen
event will not be permitted to impair any
of the beneficial measures which were in progress
or in project. It cannot be unknown that the
anxieties of the deceased were for others, not for

Accept my dear Sir, my best wishes for yourself,
& for all with whom we sympathize; in which Mrs.
M. most sincerely joins.


Jefferson died July 4th.