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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir—In my letter of Oct. 12 1804, answering
an inquiry of yours of Aug. 20, it was stated
that "in 1785, I made a proposition with success
in the legislature, (of Virginia,) for the appointment
of commissioners, to meet at Annapolis such commissioners
as might be appointed by other states,
in order to form some plan for investing Congress
with the regulation and taxation of commerce."

In looking over some of my papers having reference
to that period, I find reason to believe that the impression,
under which I made the statement, was
erroneous; and that the proposition, though probably
growing out of efforts made by myself to convince
the legislature of the necessity of investing Congress
with such powers, was introduced by another member,
more likely to have the ear of the legislature on


Page 247
the occasion, than one whose long and late service in
Congress, might subject him to the suspicion of a
bias in favor of that body. The journals of the
session would ascertain the fact. But such has been
the waste of the printed copies, that I have never
been able to consult one.

I have no apology to make for the error committed
by my memory, but my consciousness, when answering
your inquiry, of the active part I took in
making on the legislature the impressions from which
the measure resulted, and the confounding of one
proposition with another, as may have happened to
your own recollection of what passed.

It was my wish to have set you right on a point
to which your letter seemed to attach some little
interest, as soon as I discovered the error into which
I had fallen. But whilst I was endeavouring to
learn the most direct address, the newspapers apprised
me that you had embarked for Europe.
Finding that your return may be daily looked for,
I lose no time in giving the proper explanation. I
avail myself of the occasion to express my hopes
that your trip to Europe, has answered all your
purposes in making it, and to tender you assurances
of my sincere esteem and friendly respects.


From "A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral
Subjects." By Noah Webster, LL.D. New York, 1843, p. 172.

See the letter of Oct. 12, 1804, to Webster, ante, Vol. VII., p. 164,
which this letter amends. The member who introduced Madison's
motion in the Virginia legislature was John Tyler.