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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir, Yours of the 17th was duly recd.[81]
The awkward state of the Law Professorship is truly
distressing, but seems to be without immediate
remedy. Considering the hopeless condition of Mr.
Gilmour, a temporary appointment, if an acceptable
successor were at hand, whilst not indelicate towards
the worthy moribond incumbent, might be regarded
as equivalent to a permanent one. And if the
hesitation of our Colleagues at Richmond has no
reference to Mr. Terril, but is merely tenderness
towards Mr. Gilmour, I see no objection to a communication
to Mr. T. that would bring him to Virga.
at once, and thus abridge the loss of time. The
hardheartedness of the Legislature towards what
ought to be the favorite offspring of the State, is as
reproachful as deplorable. Let us hope that the
reflections of another year, will produce a more
parental sensibility.

I had noticed the disclosures at Richmond with


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feelings which I am sure I need not express; any
more than the alleviation of them by the sequel.
I had not been without fears, that the causes you
enumerate were undermining your estate. But
they did not reach the extent of the evil. Some
of these causes were indeed forced on my attention
by my own experience. Since my return to private
life (and the case was worse during my absence in
Public) such have been the unkind seasons, & the
ravages of insects, that I have made but one tolerable
crop of Tobacco, and but one of Wheat; the proceeds
of both of which were greatly curtailed by
mishaps in the sale of them. And having no resources
but in the earth I cultivate, I have been
living very much throughout on borrowed means.
As a necessary consequence, my debts have swelled
to an amount, which if called for at the present
conjuncture, would give to my situation a degree of
analogy to yours. Fortunately I am not threatened
with any rigid pressure, and have the chance of
better crops & prices, with the prospect of a more
leisurely disposal of the property which must be
a final resort.

You do not overrate the interest I feel in the
University, as the Temple thro which alone lies the
road to that of Liberty. But you entirely do my
aptitude to be your successor in watching over its
prosperity. It would be the pretension of a mere
worshipper "remplacer" the Tutelary Genius of the
Sanctuary. The best hope is, in the continuance
of your cares, till they can be replaced by the stability


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and selfgrowth of the Institution. Little
reliance can be put even on the fellowship of my
services. The past year has given me sufficient
intimation of the infirmities in wait for me. In
calculating the probabilities of survivorship, the
inferiority of my constitution forms an equation at
least with the seniority of yours.

It would seem that some interposition is meditated
at Richmond against the assumed powers of Internal
Improvement; and in the mode recommended by
Govr. Pleasants, in which my letter to Mr. Ritchie
concurred, of instructions to the Senators in Congress.
No better mode, can perhaps be taken, if an
interposition be likely to do good; a point on which
the opinion of the Virginia members at Washington
ought to have much weight. They can best judge
of the tendency of such a measure at the present
moment. The public mind is certainly more divided
on the subject than it lately was. And it is not improbable
that the question, whether the powers exist,
will more & more give way to the question, how far
they ought to be granted.

You cannot look back to the long period of our
private friendship & political harmony, with more
affecting recollections than I do. If they are a
source of pleasure to you, what ought they not to be
to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness
of the pure devotion to the public good
with which we discharged the trusts committed to
us. And I indulge a confidence that sufficient
evidence will find its way to another generation, to


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ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may
be withheld whilst we are here. The political horizon
is already yielding in your case at least, the surest
auguries of it. Wishing & hoping that you may
yet live to increase the debt which our Country owes
you, and to witness the increasing gratitude, which
alone can pay it, I offer you the fullest return of
affectionate assurances.


See Jefferson's recital of his financial reverses in his letter.—Jefferson's
(P. L. Ford), xii., 457.