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4. CHAP. IV.
Containing Remarks & Observations.

I observe, from some scraps, in the public papers,
that the holding a levee by the President of the United
States, has given offence, to men of severe, and extreme
republican ideas: For, as at the reformation from
the Roman Catholic superstition, the puritans, and
other thorough paced reformists, were offended with
the Church of England, for retaining some particulars
of the ancient ceremonies; such as the ring in marriage;
the cross in baptism; the surplice; kneeling at the
sacrament; bowing at the name of Jesus, &c. so here;
the more rigid revolutionists from monarchy, object to
any vestige of its customs, and would lay aside totally
all resemblance of it.

On the other hand, it is suggested by those who
would justify, or, apologize for the holding a levee,
that it is in itself, no substance or essential of monarchy;
it is, at the most, but a shadow of it, and can do little
harm; that the institution was suggested by John
Adams, who having just returned from his embassy in
England, had no doubt good reason to suppose, that it
would be pleasing to the English people who were accustomed
to such things; and to the king especially,
who, as far as we understand from Peter Pindar, is but a
thick-headed prince: It would be pleasing to him, to
reflect that though he had lost direct authority and jurisdiction
in these states, yet we were still disposed to
touch, as it were, the hem of his garment, and adopt
some of the trappings of royalty. In this case he could


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with more propriety take notice of his brother George;
having a levee like another prince, than if he remained
but a bare republican, like a plucked fowl, without any
plumage to decorate his dignity. It is also said, that it
was on this principle that Citizen Adams, proposed introducing
titles of nobility, such as, Duke and Dutchess,
Marquiss and Marchioness, Count and Countess, Baronet
and Baroness, &c. For, that complying in these
small matters with the stile of the English ranks, and
the genius of their government, it would produce and
preserve a greater amity between the nations; and with
the court especially, and enable us to obtain greater
advantages in our treaties of commerce. Whatever
may have been the principle, I do not think the proposition
bad. It could not be blameable; for Saint
Paul himself, in matters of religion, a thing much more
delicate in its nature, did not hesitate to shave the heads
of four young men, to please the Jews; and what was
worse, circumcised the poor boy Timothy. What
then, if to humour a weak king, and a prejudiced people,
we had received the appellations of nobility? Besides;
the matter might have been so managed, as not to injure
the stamina of our constitution; that is, not to
confer the titles; but let the people take them. Carlisle,
for instance, the constable in Philadelphia, might
have called himself Lord Carlisle, and so on.

The advocates for a levee, say, that it is useful in order
to avoid the interruptions of persons calling on the
President at his private hours, who have no other business
than merely to be introduced and to see him; that setting
a couple of hours aside, one day in the week, for the
purpose of satisfying the curiosity of the people, is good
œconomy; and is like throwing a barrel to a whale, in
order to preserve the ship. For, that, if this was not
indulged, little else could be done through the week,
than attending to the formality of receiving visitants.
To this it is answered that it must be impertient in any
one to call upon the President who has no business with


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him, and if he has business, a levee is not the place to
settle it; that the Roman Pretors, and Grecian Archons
made out to discharge their offices, without this
expedient; that it is not consistent with the honor of
wise and modest republicans to have it supposed, that
from idle, and light-headed curiosity, they would be
troublesome to their chief magistrate; if any were so,
calling once, they could be dismissed in such a manner,
as to cure them of it; and the thing being once known
to be improper, the idea would pervade the mass of the
citizens, and the most uninstructed, would be taught
not to transgress by so obvious an intrusion.

Besides; the curiosity of seeing a man eminent in
office, exists chiefly with weak minds; for the more
solid know, that it is not the figure of a great man that
has made him such; but a series of prudent and successful
conduct. They are sensible that when they see
the most distinguished in arts, in letters, or in arms,
they will see a person that looks just like another man.
Is it worth while then, say the anti-lee-vites, to consult
the curiosity of gaping haubucks, by obliging the chief
magistrate of a government, to shew himself to them
once a week, when he has so much real business on his

For my part, lying at the back of a mountain here;
the cool west wind blowing on me; I find myself little
heated with the difference of opinions on this question.
All I shall say, is, that the ceremony of a levee would
not be agreeable to my mind; and if I should be chosen
President at any time, with which my friends flatter me,
I believe I shall not continue it, unless indeed, I should
be allowed to discharge it by proxy. For I could not
myself, submit to stand two hours, once a week, in a
circle, like a bear at a stake, to be saluted by all comers
and goers, and be obliged to say, some words of course,
to get clear of them. It is possible, this declaration
may affect my election, but such is my habit of candour,
that being on the subject, I could not help making it.


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And I flatter myself, the most streneous lee-vites, may
be reconciled to it, when I propose in its place to have
myself taken off the more abundantly in portraits, and
to have innumerable medals struck representing my
physiognomy and features; and to assist this, I shall not
be backward, to have discriptions given of my person,
manners, and apparel, to satisfy the curiosity of strangers.
This I hope will suffice.