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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Madam Your letter to Mrs. Madison, containing
observations addressed to my attention also,
came duly to hand, as you will learn from her, with
a printed copy of your plan for the gradual abolition
of slavery in the U. States.

The magnitude of this evil among us is so deeply
felt, and so universally acknowledged, that no merit
could be greater than that of devising a satisfactory


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remedy for it. Unfortunately the task, not easy
under any other circumstances, is vastly augmented
by the physical peculiarities[75] of those held in bondage,
which preclude their incorporation with the
white population; and by the blank in the general
field of labour to be occasioned by their exile; a
blank into which there would not be an influx of
white labourers, successively taking the place of the
exiles, and which, without such an influx, would have
an effect distressing in prospect to the proprietors
of the soil.

The remedy for the evil which you have planned
is certainly recommended to favorable attention by
the two characteristics, 1. that it requires the
voluntary concurrence of the holders of the slaves
with or without pecuniary compensation: 2 that
it contemplates the removal of those emancipated,
either to a foreign or distant region: And it will
still further obviate objections, if the experimental
establishments should avoid the neighbourhood of
settlements where there are slaves.

Supposing these conditions to be duly provided
for, particularly the removal of the emancipated
blacks, the remaining questions relate to the aptitude


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& adequacy of the process by which the slaves are
at the same time to earn the funds, entire or supplemental,
required for their emancipation & removal;
and to be sufficiently educated for a life of freedom
and of social order.

With respect to a proper course of education no
serious difficulties present themselves. And as they
are to continue in a state of bondage during the
preparatory period, & to be within the jurisdiction
of States recognizing ample authority over them,
a competent discipline cannot be impracticable.
The degree in which this discipline will enforce the
needed labour, and in which a voluntary industry
will supply the defect of compulsory labour, are
vital points on which it may not be safe to be
very positive without some light from actual

Considering the probable composition of the labourers,
& the known fact that where the labour
is compulsory, the greater the number of labourers
brought together (unless indeed where a co-operation
of many hands is rendered essential by a particular
kind of work or of machinery) the less are the proportional
profits, it may be doubted whether the
surplus from that source merely beyond the support
of the establishment, would sufficiently accumulate
in five or even more years, for the objects in view.
And candor obliges me to say that I am not satisfied
either that the prospect of emancipation at a future
day will sufficiently overcome the natural and
habitual repugnance to labour, or that there is such


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an advantage of united over individual labour as is
taken for granted.

In cases where portions of time have been allotted
to slaves, as among the Spaniards, with a view to their
working out their freedom, it is believed that but
few have availed themselves of the opportunity,
by a voluntary industry; And such a result could
be less relied on in a case where each individual would
feel that the fruit of his exertions would be shared
by others whether equally or unequally making
them; and that the exertions of others would equally
avail him, notwithstanding a deficiency in his own.
Skilful arrangements might palliate this tendency,
but it would be difficult to counteract it effectually.

The examples of the Moravians, the Harmonites
and the Shakers in which the United labors of many
for a common object have been successful, have
no doubt an imposing character. But it must be
recollected that in all these Establishments there
is a religious impulse in the members, and a religious
authority in the head, for which there will be no
substitutes of equivalent efficacy in the Emancipating
establishment. The code of rules by which Mr.
Rap manages his conscientious & devoted flock,
& enriches a common treasury, must be little applicable
to the dissimilar assemblage in question.[76] His
experience may afford valuable aid, in its general
organization, and in the distribution & details of
the work to be performed: But an efficient administration
must, as is judiciously proposed, be in


Page 228
hands practically acquainted with the Propensities
& habits of the members of the new Community.

With a reference to this dissimilarity & to the
doubt as to the advantages of associated labour, it
may deserve consideration whether the experiment
would not be better commenced on a scale smaller
than that assumed in the prospectus. A less expensive
outfit would suffice; labourers in the proper
proportions of sex & age would be more attainable;
the necessary discipline, and the direction of their
labour would be more simple & manageable; and
but little time would be lost; or perhaps time gained,
as success, for which the chance would according to
my calculation be increased, would give an encouraging
aspect to the plan, and suggest improvements
better qualifying it for the larger scale proposed.

Such, Madam are the general ideas suggested by
your interesting communication. If they do not
coincide with yours, & imply less of confidence than
may be due to the plan you have formed, I hope you
will not question either my admiration of the generous
philanthropy which dictated it, or my sense of
the special regard it evinces for the honor & welfare
of our expanding, & I trust rising Republic.

As it is not certain what construction would be
put on the view I have taken of the subject, I leave
it with your discretion to withhold it altogether,
or to disclose it within the limits, you allude to;
intimating only that it will be most agreeable to
me on all occasions not to be brought before the
Public, where there is no obvious call for it.


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General Lafayette took his final leave of us a few
days ago, expecting to embark about this time in
the new frigate with an appropriate name. He
carries with him the unanimous blessings of the
free nation which has adopted him. If equal honors
have not been his portion in that in which he had
his birth, it is not because he did not deserve them.
This hemisphere at least, & posterity in the other,
will award what is due to the nobleness of his mind
and the grandeur of his career.

He could add but little to the details explained in
the Printed copy of the Abolition Plan, for want of
a full knowledge of which justice may not have been
done it. Mr. Davis has not yet favoured us with
the promised call. I shall receive his communications
on the subject, with attention & pleasure.

The date of this letter will shew some delay in
acknowledging the favor of yours. But it is expected
to be at Nashville by the time noted for your arrival
there, and a prolonged stay in the post office was
rather to be avoided than promoted.

I join Mrs. M. in the hope that we shall not be
without the opportunity of again welcoming you &
your sister to Montpr. tendering you in the mean
time my respectful salutations.


These peculiarities, it wd. seem are not of equal force in the South
American States, owing in part perhaps to a former degradation
produced by colonial vassalage, but principally to the lesser contrast
of colours. The difference is not striking between that of many of
the Spanish & Portuguese Creoles & that of many of the mixed breed.
Madison's Note. Miss Wright's pamphlet was A Plan for the
gradual abolition of Slavery in the United States without danger or
loss to the Citizens of the South,
Baltimore, 1825.


George Rapp, founder of the sect of Harmonists or Harmonites.