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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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And on the distinctive principles of the Government
of our own State, and of that of the U. States,
the best guides are to be found in—1. The Declaration
of Independence, as the fundamental act of
Union of these States. 2. the book known by the
title of the "Federalist," being an Authority to
which appeal is habitually made by all & rarely
declined or denied by any, as evidence of the general
opinion of those who framed & those who accepted
the Constitution of the U. States on questions as to
its genuine meaning. 3. the Resolutions of the
General Assembly of Virga. in 1799, on the subject
of the Alien & Sedition laws, which appeared to
accord with the predominant sense of the people
of the U. S. 4. The Inaugural Speech & Farewell
Address of President Washington, as conveying
political lessons of peculiar value; and that in the
branch of the School of law which is to treat on the
subject of Govt., these shall be used as the text &
documents of the School.