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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir On the rect. of yours of Aug. 8, I


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turned my thoughts to its request on the subject
of a Theological Catalogue for the Library of the
University; and not being aware that so early an
answer was wished, as I now find was the case, I
had proceeded very leisurely in noting such Authors
as seemed proper for the collection. Supposing
also, that altho' Theology was not to be taught in
the University, its Library ought to contain pretty
full information for such as might voluntarily seek
it in that branch of Learning, I had contemplated
as much of a comprehensive & systematic selection
as my scanty materials admitted; and had gone
thro' the five first Centuries of Xnity when yours
of the 3d instant came to hand which was the evening
before the last. This conveyed to me more
distinctly the limited object your letter had in view,
and relieved me from a task which I found extremely
tedious; especially considering the intermixture of
the doctrinal & controversial part of Divinity with
the moral & metaphysical part, and the immense
extent of the whole. I send you the list I had made
out, with an addition on the same paper, of such
Books as a hasty glance of a few catalogues & my
recollection suggested.[68] Perhaps some of them


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may not have occurred to you and may suit the
blank you have not filled. I am sorry I could not
make a fair copy without failing to comply with the
time pointed out.

I find by a letter from Fayette, in answer to a


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few lines I wrote him on his arrival at N. Y., that he
means to see us before the 19th of Oct., as you have
probably learned from himself. His visit to the
United States will make an annus mirabilis in the
history of Liberty.


The list enclosed was as follows:

    Centy. I.

  • - - - Clemens Episte. to the Corinthians–published at
    Cambridge 1788.

    Ignatius Epists - - - - - - - - - - - - Amsterdam 1607.

    Cotelier–Recuiel de Monumens des pères dans les tems
    apostoliques edit par le Cleve Amsterdam 1774, 2 v.

    Flavius Josephus [in English by Whiston] Amsterdam
    1726, 2v. fol.

    Philo Judaeus [Greek & Latin] English Edn. 1742, 2 v. fol.

    Lucian's Works - - - Amsterdam 1743, 3 v. 4°.

    Fabricius Biblio Græc:
    - - - - Delectus &c. See Moshm. v. 1, p. 106

  • Cent: II

  • Justin Martyrs apolos, &c. [Edited by Prudent Maraud
    Benedictine] 1742, 1 v. fol.

    Hermias - - Oxford 1700 – 8°.

    Athenagoras - - Oxford 1706 – 8°.

    Clemens Alexandrinus [Ed. by Potter] Oxford 1715
    2 vol. fol.

    Tertullian - - - - - - - - - - - - - Venice 1746, 1 v. fol.,

    Theophilus of Antioch [first adopted the term Trinity)
    —1742 1 v. fol.

    Irenaeus [Ed. by Grabe] 1702, 1 v. fol.

    Tatian–agst. the Gentiles—Oxford, 1700, 8°.

    Ammonius Saccas's Harmony of the Evangelists–
    Celsus [translated par Bouhereau] Amsterdam 1700 4°.

  • Cent. III.

  • Minutius Felix [translated by Reeves] Leiden 1672, 8°.

    Origen——4 vol. fol. Greek & Latin.

    Cyprian—[translated into French by Lombert] 1 v. fol.

    Gregory Thaumaturgus–Grec. & Lat. 1626, 1 v. fol.

    Arnobius Africanus. Amsterdam 1651, 1 v. 4°.

    Anatolius – Antwerp, 1634, 1 v. fol.

    Methodius Eubulius–Rome 1656, 8°.

    Philostratus' life of Apollonius Tyanaeus [Grec & Lat.
    with notes by Godefroy Olearius, Leipsic, 1709, 1 v.
    fol:Frenched by De Vigenere, Englished in part by
    Chs. Blount.]

  • Cent: IV.

  • Lactantius.—Edit by Lenglet Paris 1748, 2 v. 4°.

    Eusebius of Cæsarea—

    Athanasius, par Montfauçon 1698, 3 v. fol.

    Antonius' [founder of the Monastic order] seven letters
    &c. Latin.

    St. Cyril (of Jerusalem) Gr. & Lat. Paris 1720, 1 v. fol.

    S . Hilary. Ed. by Massci Verona 1730.

  • Cent: IV.

  • Lucifer, Bishop of Cagliari. Paris 1586 1 v. 8°.

    Epiphanius. Gr. & Lat. Edit Pere Petau, 1622, 2 v. fol.

    Optatus. Ed. by Dupin. 1700. fol.

    Pacianus. Paris, 1538. 4°.

    Basil (B. of Cæsarea) Gr. & Lat. 1721. 3 v. fol.

    Gregory (of Nazianzi) G. & L. Paris 1609–11 2 v. fol.

    - - - -(of Nyssa) 1615 2 v. fol.

    Ambrosius—Paris 1690 2 v. fol.

    Jerome.——Paris 1693–1706. 5 v. fol.

    Ruffinus– Paris 1580——1 v. fol.

    Augustin——1679–1700 8 v. fol.

    Chrysostom John Gr. & L.—10 v. fol.

    Ammianus Marcellinus

    Julian's works

  • Cent: V.

  • Sulpicius Severus. Verona 1754, 2 v. 4°.

    Isidorus (of Pelusium) Paris 1638. Gr. & L. 1 v. fol.

    Cyril (of Alexa.) Gr. & L. 6 v. fol.

    Orosius—Leyden. 1738. 4°.

    Theodoret. Edit by Pere Simond. G. & L. 1642. 4 v.
    fol. in 1684. vol. V. by Garnier.

    Philostorgius, by Godefroi. G. & L. 1642, 1 v. 4°.

    Vincentius Lyrinensis. Rome. 4°.

    Socrates' Eccles. History

    Sozomen. d°. d°.

    Leo (the great) by Quesnel Lyons. 1700. fol.

    Æneas (of Gaza) Gr. with Latin version, by Barthius &c.
    1655. 4°.

  • Miscellaneous

  • Thomas Aquinas [Dor. Angelicus] Head of the Thomists.
    12 v. fol.

    The Koran, Duns Scotus [Doctor Subtilis] Head of the
    Scotists, 12 v. fol.

    Caves Lives of the Fathers. Dailles Use & abuse of

    Erasmus, Luther, Calvin, Socinus, Bellarmin, Chillingworth.

    Council of Trent by F. Paul by Palavicini; by Basnaze.

    Grotius on the truth of Xn Religion. Sherlock's
    [Bishop] Sermons.

    Tillotsons &c Tillemont Baronius, Lardner[69] Hookers
    Ecclesiastical Polity. Pierson on the Creed. Bossuet
    on 39 Articles. Pascal's lettres Provenciales do
    Penseès Fenelon Bossuet.

    Bourdelon Sauvin Fletcher Manillon. Warburton's
    Divine Legation. Hannah Adams—View of all

    Stackhouses—Hist. of the Bible

    St. Isaac Newtons works on Religious subjects.

    Locke's do. Stillingfleets controversy with him on
    the possibility of endowing matter with thought.

    Clarke on the Being & Attributes of God

    Butler's Analogy. Eight Sermons at Boyles. Lectures
    by Bentley

    Whitby on the 5 points.

    Whiston's Theological Works.

    Taylor (Jeremiah) Sermons.

    John Taylor [of Norwich] agst original Sin Edward's
    in answer. Edward's on free will——on virtue.

    Soame Jenyn's Enquiry into the nature & origin of evil

    Liturgy for King's Chapel Boston.

    Matheis Essays to do good. Price on Morals.

    Wallaston's Religion of Nature declineated

    Barclay's apology for Quakers. Wm. Penn's works

    King's Enquiry into the Constitution discipline &
    worship of the Church, within 3 first cent.

    King [Wm.] Essay on Origin of Evil, notes by Law.
    Wesley on Original Sin.

    Priestley's & Horesley's controversies

    Historical view of the Controversy on the intermediate
    state of the Soul by Dean Blackburne.

    The Confessional by same.

    Jone's method of settling the canonical Scripture
    of N. Testt.

    Leibnitz on Goodness of God, liberty of man & origin
    of evil.

    Paley's Works. Warburton's principles of Nat. &
    Revd. Religion

    Blairs Sermons, Buckmeisters (of Boston) do.

    Necker's importance of Religion.

    Latrobe's (Benjamin) Doctrine of the Moravians

    Ray's wisdom of God in the Creation

    Durham's Astrotheology.

    Bibliotheca fratrum Polonorum 9 vol. fol.

The Catalogue of Eastburn & Co. New York, particularly the
Theological part at the end, deserves attention. Some rare books
are found in it, and might probably be bought at cheap prices.—
Mad. MSS.


With life by Kippis 1788.—Madison's Note.