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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir Your favor of the 2d was duly recd. the
evening before the last. I thank you for it and
return as desired the Pamphlet of Cunningham,
your remarks on which appear very just.

You ask my views of a Resolution to be proposed
to the Senate advising a Treaty of Co-operation with
G. B. agst. an interference of the Allied powers for
resubjugating S. America.[58] You will take them
for what they are worth, which can be but little
with my imperfect knowledge of the facts & circumstances
that may be known to yourself.

The Message of the Presidt. which arrived by an
earlier mail than usual, has I observe distinctly
indicated the sentiments of the U. S. with respect
to such an interference.[59] But in a case of such


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peculiarity & magnitude, a fuller manifestation of
the National will may be expedient, as well to bear
out the Executive in measures within his Department,
as to make the desirable impressions abroad.
The mode you have thought of would certainly
be of great avail for the first purpose, and if promulged
for the second also; But would not declaratory
Resolutions by the two Houses of Congress
be of still greater avail for both? They would be
felt by the Executive as the highest sanction to his
views, would inspire G. B. with the fullest confidence
in the policy & determination of the U.S. and would
have all the preventive effect on the Allied powers
of which they are susceptible from a monitory
measure from this quarter.

It can hardly be doubted that G. B. will readily
co-operate with this Country, or rather that she
wishes our co-operation with her agst. a foreign
interference for subverting the Independence of
Spanish America. If the attempt can be prevented


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by remonstrance she will probably unite with us
in a proper one. If she begins with that, she will
not hesitate, to proceed, if necessary, to the last
resort, with us fighting by her side. If any consideration
were to restrain her from that resort even
without our co-operation, it would be the dilemma
of seeing our neutral commerce & navigation flourishing
at the expence of hers; or of throwing us into a
war agst. her by renewing her maritime provocations.

On the whole I think we ought to move hand in
hand with G. B. in the experiment of awing the
Confederated Powers into forbearance; and if that
fail in following it by means which cannot fail, and
that we cannot be too prompt or too decisive in
coming to an understanding & concert with her on
the subject. This hemisphere must be protected
agst. the doctrines & despotisms which degrade the
other. No part of it can be as secure as it ought to
be, if the whole be not so. And if the whole be
sound & safe, the example of its principles will
triumph gradually every where.

How much is it to be regretted that the Brit. Govt.
shrunk from even remonstrance agst. the invasion
of old Spain and that it has not the magñimity
to interpose, late as it is in behalf of the Greeks.
No nation ever held in its hand in the same degree
the destiny of so great a part of the civilized world,
and I cannot but believe that a glorious use would
be made of the opportunity, if the head of the Nation
was worthy of its heart.


Barbour was then a Senator from Virginia. He said in his letter:
"The most important part [of the President's message] will refer, but
remotely however, to the probable interference of the Allied Powers in
the internal concerns of the Spanish provinces. The information
received furnishes too much ground to believe that a design of that
sort is seriously meditated. I have a serious thought of proposing
a resolution advising the President to co-operate by treaty with Great
Britain to prevent it. If it be not asking too much of you I should
be very much gratified with your views on this interesting subject."
Mad. MSS.


Madison wrote to Monroe, December 6:

"I rec, by yesterday's mail your favor of the 4th, covering a copy
of the Message & another copy under a blank cover. It presents a
most interesting view of the topics selected for it. The observations
on the foreign ones are well moulded for the occasion, which is rendered
the more delicate & serious by the equivocal indications from
the Brit. Cabinet. The reserve of Canning after his frank & earnest
conversations with Mr. Rush is mysterious & ominous. Could he have
stepped in advance of his Superiors? or have they deserted their first
objects? or have the allies shrunk from theirs? or is any thing taking
place in Spain which the adroitness of the Brit Govt. can turn agst.
the allies, and in favor of S. America? Whatever may be the explanation,
Canning ought in Candour, after what had passed with Mr.
Rush, not to have withheld it; and his doing so enjoins a circumspect
reliance on our own Councils & energies. One thing is certain that
the contents of the Message will receive a very close attention every
where, and that it can do nothing but good anywhere."—Mad MSS.