University of Virginia Library


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5. CHAP. V.
The Conclusion, with Observations.

THE overtures made by Teague, to be
admitted to the ministry, and the simplicity
of the ecclesiastics in listening to his
pretensions, made a great noise through
the neighbourhood; in as much as the
young man laboured under a want of education,
and was not qualified by theological
reading. But I do not see, why it should
be thought blamable; provided the matter
was not too much hurried and hastily
brought forward. For give him a little
time, and he might have been instructed to
preach as well as some that I myself have
heard. Especially if at first setting out,
he had confined himself to historical passages
of scripture; such as the history of
Sampson, and Gideon, and Barak, and the
like: Only he must have taken care that
in pronouncing Barak, with the brogue
upon his tongue, he did not make it Burke;
for that is a patronimic name of his country,


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and he might inadvertently have fallen
into this pronunciation.

I acknowledge, that in the regular
churches, such as that of the Presbyterians,
there is still kept up some opinion of
the necessity of literature. But do we not
see that with other denominations; such
as the Quakers, the Methodists, and Anabaptists,
it is totally disregarded and thrown
out? Because when human gifts or acquirements
are absent, that which is supernatural
more evidently appears.

Do not Quakers, and Methodists, and
Baptists, preach very well? At any rate,
they do a great deal of good, and that is the
first object of preaching. Whether such
sermonists, avail themselves most of sense or
sound, I will not say; but so it is they do
good; and that without the aid of any human
learning whatever.

It is very true, that formerly in the infancy
of the church, a knowledge of languages
and sciences, might be requisite.
But the case is quite altered now. The
Scripture has been well explained, and
frequently preached over; every text and
context examined, and passages illustrated.
The Hebrew roots, so to speak, have been
all dug up; and there is scarcely a new


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etymology to be made. Are there any new
doctrines to discover? I should think it impossible.
At any rate, I should conceive
it unnecessary. There are enough in all
conscience: The inventing more, would
be like bringing timber to a wood, or
coals to Newcastle.

This being the case, I feel myself disposed
to agree with those who reject human
learning in religious matters altogether.
More especially as science is really
not the fashion at the present time. For
as has been before seen, even in the very
province of science itself, it is dispensed
with; that of natural philosophy, for instance.
In state affairs, ignorance does
very well, and why not in church? I am
for having all things of a piece; ignorant
statesmen, ignorant philosophers, and ignorant
ecclesiastics. On this principle,
Teague might have done very well as a
preacher. But the selfishness of the Captain
prevailed, and obstructed his advancement.