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Eli Perkins (at large)

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 Barrett Bookplate. 

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WE AND OUR NEIGHBORS: or, The Records of an Unfashionable
A Sequel to My Wife and I. By Harriet Beecher
Stowe. Illustrated. 12mo. Fancy Stamped Cloth. $1.75.

“It is one of the best of Mrs. Stowe's novels; and Mrs. Stowe is
incapable of writing a poor one.”

St. Louis Globe.

“The story is in the author's best and liveliest vein, and never flags
even for a moment..... The illustrations will bear a much
closer examination than the average engravings of the period.”

Detroit Free Press.

MY WIFE AND I: or, Harry Henderson's History. A Novel. By
Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.75.

“Always bright, piquant, and entertaining, with an occasional touch
of tenderness, strong because subtle, keen in sarcasm, full of
womanly logic directed against unwomanly tendencies.”

Boston Journal.

THE ABBE TIGRANE: Candidate for the Papal Chair. From
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Woolsey Bacon. 12mo. Gilt and Ink-stamped Cloth. $1.50.

A brilliant picture of life—interesting from beginning to end. It is a
French novel without immorality; a tale of intrigue without women;
and altogether an original, piquant and readable story.

NORWOOD; or, Village Life in New England. A Novel. By Henry
Ward Beecher.
Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. 12mo.
Price, $2.00.

“Embodies more of the high art of fiction than any half dozen of the
best novels of the best authors of the day.”

Albany Evening Journal.

TOINETTE: A Tale of Transition. By Henry Churton. 12mo. 516
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“A picturesque, vivid, passionate story...... Calculated to
entertain and deeply impress. The average novel reader will be
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and fastidious.”

Cincinnati Times.

THE CIRCUIT RIDER; A Tale of the Heroic Age. By Edward
Eggleston. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.75.

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of literary culture. It is alive with the sound of rushing
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N. Y. Tribune.

BRAVE HEARTS. A Novel. By Roberston Gray (R. W. Raymond).
12mo. Illustrated. $1.75.

“Its pictures of the strange life of those early California days are
simply admirable, quite as good as anything Bret Harte has written.”

Literary World.

A GOOD MATCH. A Novel. By Amelia Perrier. 1 vol. 12mo.
Cloth. $1.50.

“A very readable love story, tenderly

Hearth and Home.

“The characters appear and act
with a real life,”

Providence Press.

To be had of all Booksellers, or will be sent to any
address post-paid, on receipt of the price by

J. B. FORD & COMPANY, Publishers,
27 Park Place, New York.

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140 to 146 BROADWAY.
F.S. WINSTON. President.

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Broadway, Corner of Bond Street,