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Eli Perkins (at large)

his sayings and doings
 Barrett Bookplate. 

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When Colonel Clark and Adjutant Fitzgerald of the
Seventh Regiment came to the Grand Union to see
Jim Breslin and borrow some nut-crackers for the
regiment, John Cecil and Abiel Haywood said it
wouldn't do to let 'em have 'em.

“Why?” asked the Adjutant, indignantly.

“Because it's dangerous,” said Mr. John Cecil.

“How, dangerous?”

“Why, Colonel,” said Mr. Cecil, as he wiped his
head with a red bandana handkerchief, “don't you
know that when the boys crack the nuts they'll be
liable to burst the shells against the kernel?”

Mr. Cecil told Colonel Boody that he didn't go to
Saratoga to dance and such frivolous enjoyment, “Oh,


Page 193

“What for, then, John?” asked Charley Wall.

“Why, I came especially to drink the healing waters
as prepared by—by—by—”

“By Jerry, the handsome Grand Union bartender,”
put in Major Selover.

A suit for libel is pending.