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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir, I received two days ago your favor
of December 29. That of August 25 came also safe
to hand. I did not acknowledge it, because I expected
soon to have an occasion for doing it on the
receipt of the letters since put into the hands of Col.
Storrow. Having heard nothing from him on the
subject, I conclude that he retains them for a better
conveyance than he had found; although I am not
without apprehension of some casualty to the
packet on the way.

For a reason formerly glanced at, namely, the
advantage of having before me the whole of my
correspondence with General Washington in estimating
his purpose as to particular portions of it,
I did not make use of the suggested opportunity to


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Washington by my neighbour Mr. P. P. Barbour. I
shall now conform to your last suggestion, and await
your return, from Europe. In the mean time I thank
you for your promise to send me copies of letters from
Genl. Washington to me, which are missing on my
files. This I hope can be done before your departure.

It would afford me particular pleasure to favour
in any way, your interesting objects in visiting
Europe, and especially by letters to correspondents
who could be of service to you. It happens however
that I have not a single one either in Great Britain
or Holland. Our Consul Mr. Maury at Liverpool,
is an old and intimate friend, and if you intend to
take that place in your route to London, and you
think it worth while, I shall gladly give you a line of
introduction to his hospitality, and such little
services as he may be able to render. In France,
you will doubtless be able to obtain through Genl.
Lafayette alone, every proper key to the documentary
treasures attainable there; besides what his
own files may furnish.

I have given a hasty look at Genl. Washington's
letters, with an eye to your request for such autographic
specimens as might be proper for depositories
in Europe. As letters of little significancy in themselves,
might not be worthy of such a use, my attention
was chiefly directed to those of high character;
and I am not sure that there is one such, which is
not of too confidential a stamp, or which does not
contain personalities too delicate, for the purpose in


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question. You will be aware also that some of
his letters, especially when written in haste, shew
specks of inaccuracy which though not derogating at
all from the greatness of his character, might disappoint
readers abroad accustomed to regard him as
a model even in the performances of the pen. It is
to be presumed that his correspondence with me, as
with a few others, has more references to subjects
and occasions involving confidential traits, than
his correspondence with those less intimate with him.
I will again turn to his letters and see whether there
be any free from the objection hinted at.

You wish me to say whether I believe "that at
the beginning of the Revolution, or at the assembling
of the first Congress, the leaders of that day
were resolved on Independence?" I readily express
my entire belief that they were not, tho' I must
admit that my means of information were more
limited than may have been the case with others still
living to answer the enquiry. My first entrance on
public life was in May, 1776, when I became a member
of the Convention in Virginia, which instructed
her delegates in Congress to propose the Declaration
of Independence. Previous to that date, I was not
in sufficient communication with any under the
denomination of leaders, to learn their sentiments
or views on the cardinal subject. I can only say
therefore, that so far as ever came to my knowledge,
no one of them ever avowed, or was understood to
entertain a pursuit of independence at the assembling
of the first Congress, or for a very considerable period


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thereafter. It has always been my impression that a
re-establishment of the Colonial relations to the parent
country previous to the Controversy, was the real
object of every class of people, till despair of obtaining
it, and the exasperating effects of the war, and
the manner of conducting it, prepared the minds of
all for the event declared on the 4th of July, 1776, as
preferable with, all its difficulties and perils, to the alternative
of submission to a claim of power, at once
external, unlimited, irresponsible, and under every
temptation to abuse, from interest, ambition, & revenge.
If there were individuals who originally aimed
at Independence, their views must have been confined
to their own, bosoms or to a very confidential circle.

Allow me Sir to express anew, my best wishes for
a success in your historical plan commensurate with
its extent and importance; and my disposition to contribute
such mites towards it as may be in my power.

Do me the favour to say when and from what
fort you propose to embark. May I venture to add
a request of the result of your inquiry at Philadelphia
on the subject of the paper in the hands of Claypole,
as far as it may be proper to disclose it, and trust
it to the mail.

With great esteem & friendly respects.