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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,—The inclosed letters came under cover
to me, by the Hornet. France has done nothing
towards adjusting our differences with her. It is
understood that the B. & M. Decrees are not in force
agst. the U. S. and no contravention of them can be
established agst. her. On the contrary positive cases
rebut the allegation. Still the manner of the F.
Govt. betrays the design of leaving G. B. a pretext
for enforcing her O. in C. And in all other respects,
the grounds of our complaints remain the same. The
utmost address has been played off on Mr. Barlow's
wishes & hopes; in much that at the Departure of
the Hornet which had been so long detained for a
final answer without its being obtained, he looked
to the return of the Wasp which had just arrived,
without despair of making her the Bearer of some


Page 191
satisfactory arrangement. Our calculations differ
widely. In the mean time, the business is become
more than ever puzzling. To go to war with Engd
and not with France arms the federalists with new
matter, and divides the Republicans some of whom
with the Quids make a display of impartiality. To
go to war agst both, presents a thousand difficulties,
above all, that of shutting all the ports of the Continent
of Europe agst our Cruisers who can do little
without the use of them. It is pretty certain also,
that it would not gain over the Federalists, who
wd. turn all those difficulties agst the Administration.[53]
The only consideration of weight in favor of this
triangular war as it is called, is that it might hasten
thro' a peace with G. B. or F. a termination, for a
while at least, of the obstinate questions now depending
with both.

But even this advantage is not certain. For a
prolongation of such a war might be viewed by both


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Belligts. as desirable, with as little reason for the
opinion, as has prevailed in the past conduct of

Affectionate respects


J. G. Jackson, a Representative from Virginia, a connection by
marriage of Madison's, wrote to him from Clarksburg, Va., March 30,
1812, that the hostility of the opposition was inveterate, and that the
damning proof of British perfidy submitted in the Henry correspondence
had not moved them. "My voice is for war," he added. Elbridge
Gerry, Governor of Massachusetts, wrote confidentially April
12, that three division commanders of Massachusetts troops and three
brigadiers were friends of the national government. He had been
obliged to appoint officers who were federalists because he could not
find others, but he thought they would do their duty and the Major-Generals
could be depended upon to correct them if they were guilty
of misconduct. On May 19, he wrote again to say that the opposition
increased with delay and that war would help matters. "By war we
shall be purified as by fire," he said.—Mad. MSS. These are only
examples of many letters to the same effect received by Madison at
this time.