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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 150



Dear Sir I have recd. yours of the 24 Apl[37] and
return the letter inclosed in it; after having made the
communication intended for Mr. Gallatin. Your
expostulations with Duane could not be improved;
but he gives proofs of a want of candor, as well as
of temperance, that will probably repel advice, however
rational or friendly. The great fulcrum of his
attacks on Mr. Gallatin is Erskine's statement of his
favorable dispositions toward England; and these attacks
he obstinately reiterates and amplifies, notwithstanding
the public & solemn denial of Mr. G:
whilst Mr. Smith & myself, tho' included in a like
statement, under which we have both remained
silent, have not been reproached on that account, and
Mr. S. is become an object even of favor. A like
want of candor is seen in the comments of the
Aurora, on the putative explanation of the rupture
between Mr. S. & myself. Of the alledged points of
difference, the main one, viz: the non-intercourse, it
appears as his opinion on my side; yet he takes the
other side generally without alluding to the exception;
and of late, restricts his comments to Macon's bills,
or smothers the "non-intercourse" under an &c, or
confounds the measure with the manner of its execution.
Again, Whilst he admits occasionally that
the non-intercourse, or rather non-importation now
in force, is the best and the only adequate resort


Page 151
agst. the aggressions of G. B. he continues his abuse
on the Government, for abandoning the interests &
rights of the Nation. I have always regarded Duane,
& still regard him as a sincere friend of liberty, and
as ready to make every sacrifice to its cause, but
that of his passions. Of these he appears to be
compleatly a slave.

Our expected frigate is not yet arrived from Europe;
nor is there any acct. of the departure either of
Pinkney or Foster from G. B. The last account from
P. was of Mar. 13, when he was packing up for his
passage in the Frigate. Whether the delays, proceed
from the approach of the Equinox, the posture
of the Regency, or a wish to learn the result of
things in Congress, or from some other cause, is unknown.
From the jumble of accts. from France, it
is probable, that the repeal of the Decrees is professedly
adhered to; and that an exchange of the
productions of the U. S. & F. with an exception of
certain articles, is permitted by the Municipal laws,
under vexatious precautions agst. British forgeries &
American collusions; and perhaps under some distrust
of the views of this Government.

Accept my high esteem & best affections.


See Jefferson's correspondence with and concerning Duane in
Writings of Jefferson (Ford), ix., 310 et seq.