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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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I have recd., fellow Citizens, the petition which you
have addressed to me, representing the inconveniences
experienced from the existing non-importation


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law, and soliciting that the National Legislature
may be speedily convened.

It is known to all that the Commerce of the U. S.
has, for a considerable period, been greatly abridged
& annoyed by Edicts of the Belligerent powers; each
professing retaliation only on the other; but both
violating the clearest rights of the U. S. as a neutral
nation. In this extraordinary state of things, the
Legislature, willing to avoid a resort to war, more
especially during the concurrent aggressions of two
great Powers, themselves at war, the one with the
other, and determined on the other hand agst. an
unqualified acquiescence, have endeavored by successive
and varied regulations affecting the commerce
of the parties, to make it their interest to be just.

In the Act of Congress out of which the existing
non-importation has grown, the state of Commerce
was no otherwise qualified than by a provision, that
in case either of the Belligerents should revoke its
unlawful Edicts, and the other should fail to do the
same, our ports should be shut to the vessels & Merchandize
of the latter. This provision which, like
our previous offers, repelled the very pretext set up
by each, that its Edicts agst. our trade with the other,
was required by our acquiescence in like Edicts of
the other, was equally presented to the attention of
both. In consequence of the communication the
French Government declared that its Decrees were
revoked. As the British Government had expressed
reluctance in issuing its orders, and repeatedly signified
a wish to find in the example of its adversary


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an occasion for putting an end to them, the expectation
was the more confident that the occasion would
be promptly embraced. This was not done; and the
period allowed for the purpose having elapsed, our
ports became shut to British Ships and merchandize.
Whether the conduct of the French Government has
been, and will be such as to satisfy the authorized
expectations of the U. States; or whether the British
Government may have opened, or will open the way
for the Executive removal of the restrictions on
British commerce with the U. States, which it continues
in its power to do, by revoking its own unlawful
restrictions on our commerce, is to be ascertained
by further information, which will be received & employed
by the Executive with the strict impartiality,
which has been invariably maintained towards the
two Belligerents.

Whatever may be the inconveniences resulting in
the mean time, from the non-importation Act, it
was not to have been supposed, that whilst it falls
within the necessary power, and Practice of regulating
our commercial intercourse with foreign Countries,
according to circumstances, the act would be regarded
as not warranted by the Constitution; or that
whilst it was a partial restriction only, and had for
its object, an entire freedom of our commerce, by a
liberation of it from foreign restrictions unlawfully
imposed, it could be viewed as destroying commerce;
and least of all that a likeness could be seen between
a law enacted by the representatives of the Country,
with a view to the interest of the Country, and Acts


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of a Government in which the Country was not
represented, framed with a view to the interest of
another Country at the expence of this.

If appeals to the justice of the Belligerents,
through their interests, involve privations on our part
also, it ought to be recollected that this is an effect
inseperable from every resort by which one nation
can right itself agst. the injustice of others.

If sacrifices made for the sake of the whole, result
more to some than to other districts or descriptions
of Citizens, this also is an effect which tho' always to
be regretted, can never be entirely avoided. Whether
the appeal be to the sword, or to interruptions or
modifications of customary intercourse, an equal
operation on every part of the Community can never
happen. Nor would an unqualified acquiescence in
belligerent restrictions on our Commerce, if that
could be reconciled with what the Nation owes to
itself, be less unequal in its effect on different local
situations & interests.

In estimating the particular measure which has
been adopted by the National Councils, it may be
reasonably expected therefore, from the candor of
enlightened Citizens, that with the peculiarity of the
public situation, they will be impressed also with the
difficulty of selecting the course most satisfactory,
and best suited to diminish its evils or shorten their
duration; that they will keep in mind that a resort to
war must involve necessary restrictions on commerce;
and that were no measure whatever opposed to the
Belligerent Acts against our Commerce, it would not


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only remain under the severe restrictions now
imposed by foreign hands, but new motives
would be given for prolonging and invigorating

These observations are not meant to anticipate
the policy which the Legislature may henceforward
find best adapted to support the honor or promote
the interest of the Nation; or to prejudge questions
relative to particular changes which may be pointed
out by experience, or be called for by the state of
our foreign relations. Neither do they imply any
predetermination as to the measure of convening
the Legislature, which it will be a duty to adopt or
decline as our national affairs may appear to require.
The view of our situation presented to your patriotic
reflections, has been suggested by that contained in
your address; And it will have its desired effect, if it
recalls your attention to the peculiar embarrassments
with which the National Councils have had to contend,
and enforces the importance of manifesting
that union of all in supporting the measures of the
Constituted Authorities whilst actually in force,
which is as necessary to their effect at home and
abroad, as it is consistent with the right and with
the legitimate modes, of seeking a revisal of them.
In the mode which the Town of New Haven has
employed I witness with satisfaction, that in exercising
the right of freemen, the obligation of Citizens
has not been forgotten; and that it affords a
pledge and an example which I am far from undervaluing.


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I tender you my respects and my friendly wishes.