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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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26th. of April Friday 1805

last night was verry cold. the Thermometer stood at 32
abov 0 this morning. I set out at an early hour, as it was
cold I walked on the bank, & in my walk Shot a beaver & 2
Deer, one of the Deer in tolerable order, the low bottom of
the river is generaly covered with wood[,] willows & rose
bushes, red berry, wild cherry & red or arrow wood intersperced
with glades The timber is Cottonwood principally,
Elm small ash also furnish a portion of the timber. The clay
of the bluffs appear much whiter than below, and contain
several Stratums of coal, on the hill sides I observe pebbles
of different size & colour. The river has been riseing for
several days, & raised 3 inches last night, at 12 oClock
arrived at the forks of the Roche Johne & Missouri and
formed a camp on the point. Soon after George Drewyer
came from Capt Lewis & informed me that he was a little way
up the Rochejohne and would join me this evining, I sent
a canoe up to Capt Lewis and proceeded [to] measure the
width of the [river], and find the debth. The Missouri is
520 yards wide above the point of Yellow Stone and the water
covers 330 yards, the YellowStone River is 858 yards wide
includeing its sand bar, the water covers 297 yards and the
deepest part is 12 feet water, it is at this time falling, the
Missouri rising The Indians inform that the Yellow Stone
River is navagable for Perogues to near its source in the Rocky
Mountains, it has many tributary streams, principally on
the S.E. side, and heads at no great distance from the Missouri,
the largest rivers which fall into it is Tongue river
which heads with the waters of River Platt, and Bighorn river
which also heads with Platt & Tongue R the current of this
river is said to be rapid near its mouth it is verry jentle, and
its water is of a whitish colour much clearer of Sediment than
the Missouri, the Countrey on this river is said to be broken
in its whole course & contains a great deel of wood, the
countrey about its mouth is verry fine, the bottoms on either
side is wooded with Cotton wood, ash, Elm, &c. near the
banks of the river back is higher bottoms and covered with
red berry, Goose berry & rose bushes &. interspersed with


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small open Glades, and near the high land is Generally open
rich bottoms. at our arrival at the forks I observed a Drove
of Buffalow Cows & Calves on a sand bar in the point, I
directed the men to kill the fattest Cox, and 3 or 4 calves,
which they did and let the others pass, the cows are poor,
calves fine veele.

Course & Distance 26th. of April

S. 45°. E  2 1/2  miles to a point of wood land on the Starboard Side 
S. 40°. W.  1 1/2  miles on the S. pt. a bluff opposit 
N. 75°. W.  miles to the commencement of a wood bottom in a
bend to the Std. Side 
South  mile to the junction of Rochejhone or yellowstone
River & the Mis[s]ouri 

Capt Lewis joined me in the evening after takeing equal
altitudes a little way up the Yellowstone river the countrey
in every direction is plains except the moul[d] bottoms of the
river, which are covered with some indifferent timber such as
Cotton wood, Elm & small ash, with different kind of S[h]rubs
& bushes on the forks about 1 mile from the point at which
place the 2 rivers are near each other a butifull low leavel
plain commences, and extends up the Missouri & back, this
plain is narrow at its commencement and widens as the Missouri
bends north, and is bordered by an extencive wood land
for many miles up the Yellow Stone river, this low plain is
not Subject to over flow, appear to be a fiew inches above high
water mark and affords a butifull commanding situation for a
fort near the commencement of the Prarie, about [blank
space in MS.] miles from the Point & [blank space in MS.]
yards from the Missouri a small lake is Situated, from this
lake the plain rises gradually to a high butifull countrey, the
low Plain continues for some distance up both rivers on the
Yellow Stone it is wide & butifull opsd. the point on the S.
Side is some high timbered land, about 1 1/2 miles below on
the same side a little distance from the water is an elivated
plain. Several of the party was up the Yellow Stone R several
miles, & informed that it meandered through a butifull countrey


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Joseph Fields discovered a large creek falling into the
Yellowstone River on the S E. Side 8 miles up near which he
saw a big horned animal, he found in the Prarie the horn of
one of those animals which was large and appeared to have
laid several years I Saw maney buffalow dead on the banks of
the river in different places some of them eaten by the white
bears & wolves all except the skin & bones, others entire,
those animals either drounded in attempting to cross on the
ice dureing the winter or swiming across to bluff banks where
they could not get out & too weak to return we saw several
in this Situation. emence numbers of antelopes in the forks
of the river, Buffalow & Elk & Deer is also plenty. beaver
is in every bend. I observe that the Magpie Goose duck &
Eagle all have their nests in the Same neighbourhood, and it
is not uncommon for the Magpie to build in a few rods of the
eagle, the nests of this bird is built verry strong with sticks
covered verry thickly with one or more places through which
they enter or escape, the Goose I make no doubt falls a pray
to those vicious eagles