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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To the Noble, discreete, and wellbeloved Knight Sir Henry Nevill.

To the Noble, discreete, and wellbeloved Knight Sir Henry Nevill.

There was a Time when, ah that so there was,
Whie not there is? There is and was a Time,
Whē Men might cal Gold, Gold; & Brasse, but Brasse,
And saie it, without check, in Prose or Rime.
Yet should I cal thee Gold, some (Brasse perchance)
VVould saie! err'd because I nere toucht thee,
And so did cal thee through meere ignorance,
Or (which is worse) through abiect Flatteree.
I am too ignorant (I doe confesse)
To iudge thy woorth, which worthiest Men cōmend,
Yet may I say (I hope) and not transgresse,
Th'art Vertue, Valour, Truth, and Honors friend;
All which presume thou art not gilt by guile
Because thy noble name


denies the vile.

I. D.