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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To the most Honorable and Valorous Knight Sir Thomas Erskin &c.

To the most Honorable and Valorous Knight Sir Thomas Erskin &c.

Hony of Hybla if my Pen could dropp
Nay Nectar subtilized to the Spright,
Were not too sweet to varnish Vertues Propp
That holpe t'vphold our staie in Treasons spight.
Gainst Traitors did thy trustinesse appeere,
VVho were the Foiles to make thy Truth to shine,
How blest wert thou that did'st thee so besteere
As made Treas'n pay, for her demaund

Death the fine of al flesh

a Fine?

How art thou bound to Opportunity
That put her Fore-locks freelie in thy Fist?
And how ought we to praise thy valiancy
Where through, and through our Kinges, we all are blist!
One hardie Hand ioyn'd to a valiant Kinges
A Tribe of Traitors to confusion bringes!
I. D.