University of Virginia Library


Page 132

Containing Observations.

THE observations which we make when
the narration of the fact is ended, are
something like the sentiments delivered by
the chorus in the ancient plays; a kind of
moral on what was said; or like the moral
as it is called to a fable. In this view therefore;
we shall endeavour to say something.

The young man that we have seen so
deeply in love, was of a handsome personal
appearance, and of an eye and physiognomy
that indicated sensibility and understanding;
and yet it is probable the female
of whom he was so much enamoured, may
have been both homely, and destitute of
good mental qualities. Whence could a
repulse in this case happen. From a thousand
causes. We will specify some of
them. The very circumstance of his being
beyond her first hopes, may have put him
beyond her last wishes. A female wooed
by a man her superior, may be led to think


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she has still a chance for better; and that
there must be diamonds in her hair, or
some hidden advantages on her part, of
which she was herself ignorant; otherwise
such advances would not be made to her;
or she may apprehend some defect on the
part of the lover, of which he is conscious;
otherwise, he would not stoop beneath his
natural expectations.

It is possible the Amanda may not have
been of the same class and quality with
himself. This would of itself account for
the repulse. Should the eagle come from
the firmament, and make his advances to
the pheasant, he would find himself unsuccessful;
for the brown bird would prefer
a lover of her own species: or, should
the rein deer, which is a most beautiful
creature, woo a frog, the croaking animal
would recede into the marsh, and solace
itself with a paramour of its own
chusing. When, therefore, unexperienced
young persons place their affections
on an object, and do not find a suitable
return, they ought to save their pride, and
make the inference, that they had descended
from their element, and fastened on an
animal unworthy of their notice.

These observations, in addition to those


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made by the Captain to the young man,
may be of use to unfortunate lovers; and
if so, it will be a recompence for the trouble
we have given ourselves in making