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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir—You will learn from the Secy. of
State the painful manner in which the Senate have
mutilated the Mission to St Petersburg.[68] But the
course & circumstances of the proceeding require
more of explanation than may fall within his scope,
and more indeed, than can well be conveyed on

Previously to sending in the nomination of the
Envoys, there was no indication, that, if the popularity
of the object did not prevent opposition, it
would extend beyond a portion of the Senate essentially
short of a majority. And there is reason to
believe that if a preliminary[69] attempt to embarrass
the subject
had been decided on at the proper time,
and before out-door means could be interposed, the
desired & expected result would have been secured.
Liberality however yielded to an adjournment of
the question, and the opportunity afforded by it was


Page 253
industriously improved. The first step was, after
formally ascertaining the arrangement under which
you were included in the Mission, to obtain a vote
declaring an incompatibility (without specifying
whether Constitutional or otherwise) between the
domestic & diplomatic appts. The tendency of this
proposition to comprehend as many and to commit as
much as possible, is obvious.
It would seem notwithstanding
that the vote of incompatibility was
concurred in by some who regarded it not as an obstacle
to an ultimate concurrence in the nomination, but
rather as a protest throwing the whole responsibility
upon the Executive. The next step was to communicate
this opinion of the Senate to me, with a view
either to extort a compliance, or to unite against the
nomination all, or as many as possible, who had concurred

in the vote of incompatibility. In this stage
of the business it was the confident opinion of the
supporters of the nomination that inflexibility on the
part of the Ex would ensure a majority for it and their
unanimous & urgent advice as well on general grounds,
as on that particular calculation, not to yield to the
irregular views of the adverse party.
The event proved
that the final purposes of certain individuals on whom
the turning of the scale depended, had
been miscounted.
It is not easy to express the mixed feelings produced
by the disappointment, or the painfulness of my own
in particular.
It was at first suggested from some
friendly sources, as most advisable in such a posture
of things to send in a renomination founded on a
vacancy in the Secretaryship of the Treasury;


Page 254
under certain points of view this expedient had its
recommendations. They were met however by difficulties
& considerations not to be got over. 1. The
ground taken by the Executive did not admit a compliance
with the condition imposed by the Senate
, without
a palpable inconsistency. 2. Those who had approved
& urged this ground could not brook the idea
of putting their opponents ostensibly in the right &
themselves in the wrong.
3. It was calculated, that
the mediation, if accepted by G. B. would be over,
& the envoys on their way home, before the decision
of the Senate could reach St Petersbg. and that this
last wd. certainly be the case shd. the mediation be
rejected as was becoming more & more probable
especially considering the prospects on the Continent,
&, as seems now to be put beyond doubt
, by a late
communication from Beasely at London. Nor were
these the only views of the subject. It was apprehended
by some of the best disposed & best informed
of the Senate
that a renomination would not secure the
object. As it had become certain that the open &
secret adversaries
together amounted to a formidable
who would be doubly gratified by a double
, it was suspected that after succeeding in getting
the Treasury vacated, it would be a prerequisite
to a confirmation of the other app
that the vacancy
should be actually filled in order to prevent its being
kept open for your return
, which might be looked for
within the term of six months;
and that with this view
a resolution might be obtained declaring the inconsistency
of a protracted vacancy with the public service &


Page 255
the incompatibility of the two offices held by the Secretary
of the Navy to be used in
like manner with the
first resolution, as a motive, or pretext for embarrassing
& if possible getting rid of the renomination.
It is
certain that some who had intimated an intended
change of their votes
, in case the Treasury Dept. should
be vacated
, had in view that the vacancy should be
forthwith filled
& even that a nomination to it should
go in with the renomination.
Whether a majority
would have gone such lengths is uncertain;
but strong
existed of a temper in the Body capable of
very great lengths. And apart from all other
considerations it would have been impossible even
if it had been intended to make & fill a vacancy in the
Treasy Dept that the consent of the Senate in the
other case could be purchased by a pledge to that
effect. Besides the degradation of the Ex., it
would have introduced a species of barter of the most
fatal tendency.

I have given you this summary that you may
understand the true character of a proceeding which
has given us so much concern.
I will add to it two
observations only, 1. that the Senate by resting their
on the opinion of official incompatibility
tacitly acknowledge a personal fitness
& so far defeat
their own hostility
: 2. that the whole proceeding according
to every friendly opinion, will have the effect
of giving you a stronger hold on the confidence & support
of the Nation.
Judging from the effect as already
this cannot fail to be the case.

I have just recovered strength eno', after a severe


Page 256
& tedious attack of bilious fever, to bear a journey
to the Mountains whither I am about setting out.
The Physicians prescribe it as essential to my thorough
recovery, & security agst. a relapse at the present
season. For recent occurrences & the general state of
affairs, I refer to the official communications going by
this conveyance. If it were less inconvenient to me,
to lengthen my letter, I should recollect that I send it,
without expecting that it will find you at Petersburg,
should it happen not to be intercepted on its passage.

Accept my affectionate esteem & best wishes.


On April 17 Gallatin was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary with John Quincy Adams and James A.
Bayard, but it was intended that his post as Secretary of the Treasury
should be kept open for him. He left Washington April 21 and the
Senate rejected the nomination July 19. On February 9, 1814, it
declared his seat as Secretary of the Treasury vacant, because he was
absent from it, and on the same day he was nominated to be Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to England. Jones,
Secretary of the Navy, served as Secretary of the Treasury ad interim
from April 21, but on July 24 he wrote to Madison that a continuance
of the double service was absolutely impracticable. Nevertheless,
he continued to serve till George W. Campbell was appointed
February 9, 1814.


Italics for cypher.