The penultimate fascicule of l'Architecture Vivante, from Autumn
of 1933, was
the only single-theme issue that studied a building type
rather than a single
architect or country. While its theme of hospitals, sanatoria,
clinics, and health
resorts is perhaps stretched by the inclusion of Richard Neutra's Health House,
it allowed Badovici to once
again extend hisreach around the globe, while main-
taining a cohesion that would
allow for reproduction as a separate book.Now
copiously titled HÔpitaux: Sanitoria, cliniques, maisons de santé, maisons de retraite:
& solutions techniques de le construction hospitaliére, the extrait, published
in 1934, replaced the initial four page
signature, in this case omittingthe half-title
but including a two page table of
The text, starting on
page 5, and the
plates, numbered from 1 to 25, remain as originally published. The
cover follows
the layout of the third Russian volume, with
its diagonally placed photograph
wrapping around to the rear cover, the rear
bull'séeye device balancing the front
text in the overall composition. The
background is green, matching the variant
color of the seventh LeCorbusier volume
(fig. 11.1, plate 15).