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Notes on Contributors

David V. Erdman, the editor of the New York Public Library Bulletin, is preparing a critical text of Blake's poetry, and with a team of assistants, is preparing the Cornell Concordance to the poetry and prose of Blake.

Alan Markman, Associate Professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, is chiefly concerned with Old English, Middle English poetry, and Linguistics. He is now engaged in a study of Malory's "Tale of Sir Gareth"; and in collaboration with Professor Barnet Kottler of Purdue University he is completing the computer concordance to the Middle English poems described in his article.

Maurice Kelley and Samuel D. Atkins are respectively Professor of English and Chairman of the Department of Classics at Princeton University. They are presently engaged in editing Milton's marginalia for volume VII of the Complete Prose Works of John Milton now being issued by the Yale University Press.

Robert M. Adams has recently published a book on Joyce with Oxford entitled Surface and Symbol. More recently he has translated, with an introduction, and with woodcuts by H. Peter Kahn, G. B. Gelli's dialogue, Circe, for the Cornell University Press.

Robert Scholes, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Virginia, is preparing a study of Joyce's A Portrait entitled The Workshop of Daedalus for the Northwestern University Press. The Cornell University Press recently published his Cornell Joyce Collection: A Catalogue.

Rollo Silver, Professor of Library Science at Simmons College, is an enthusiastic historian of 18th- and 19th-century American printing.

Hannah D. French is Research Librarian in charge of Special Collections in the Wellesley College Library. She is the author of "Early American Bookbinding by Hand" in Bookbinding in America (1941), and more recently, of "Scottish-American Bookbindings" in The Book Collector, 1957.

Ralph M. Aderman, Chairman of the Department of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is editing the letters and preparing a biography of James Kirke Paulding.

G. Thomas Tanselle, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, is currently preparing a book on the Mitchell Kennerly imprint.

Matthew J. Bruccoli, Assistant Professor of English at The Ohio State University, received his doctorate from the University of Virginia. He is Bibliographer and Associate Editor of the Ohio State Centenary Edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne. The University of Pittsburgh Press has published his The Composition of "Tender is the Night."


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Curt F. Bühler, a most active scholar in analyzing incunabula, is Keeper of Printed Books in the Pierpont Morgan Library.

Robert Ford Welsh, a graduate student at Duke University, is writing a dissertation dealing with bibliographical aspects of Marlowe's plays.

John Racin, Jr., who received his doctorate from the Ohio State University, is Instructor in English at Miami University, Ohio. He is preparing an edition of Ralegh's Preface to the History and a book on Ralegh's poetry and prose for Twayne Publishers.

Jacob Leed has taught at Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University. He received his training in bibliography at the University of Chicago. At present he is Assistant Professor of English at Kent State University.

John Weston is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts. He has published articles on Edmund Burke and Robert Burns, and in 1963 the text of Burns's "Jolly Beggars," with textual and editorial notes for the Gehenna Press.

Robert Mortenson, who received his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania, is Instructor in English at Southern Illinois University.

Fredson Bowers is Alumni Professor and Chairman of the Department of English at the University of Virginia. The Clarendon Press will publish his Bibliography and Textual Criticism in 1964.

Rudolf Hirsch is the expert on incunabula for the University of Pennsylvania Library.

Howell J. Heaney is Bibliographer in the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.


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President, Linton R. Massey, "Kinloch," Keswick, Virginia

Vice President, Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., 530 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia

Editor,Fredson Bowers, 530 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Secretary, William H. Runge, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia

Treasurer, John Cook Wyllie, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, Mrs. Douglas Wyllie, Lylestone House, Cardross, Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Chile, Dr. Ricardo Donoso, President, Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos, Archivo Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Finland, Dr. Jorma Vallinkoski, University Library, Helsinki, Finland

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for France, Mr. Henri A. Talon, Faculté des Lettres, 36 rue Chabot-Charny, Dijon (Côte d'Or), France

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Germany, Dr. Richard Mummendey, Meckenheimer Allee 117, Bonn, Germany

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the Netherlands, Dr. Johan Gerritsen, Troelstralaan 97, Groningen, Netherlands

Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Venezuela, Dr. Pedro Grases, Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela


Eleanor Shea 1963-1967
William B. O'Neal 1961-1965
Arthur F. Stocker 1962-1966
Joseph M. Carrière 1960-1964


Chalmers L. Gemmill
Atcheson L. Hench

The Papers, under the title of Studies in Bibliography, are issued annually by the Society, in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs, and a news sheet. Members may purchase extra copies of the current volume or copies of any of the back volumes at $7 a copy. The non-member price for volumes is $10.00 a copy.

Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:

Subscribing Members at $7.00 a year receive Studies in Bibliography and other bibliographical material issued without charge by the Society. Institutions as well as private persons are accepted in this class of membership. Life memberships in this category are accepted, for individuals only, at $150.

Contributing Members at $25 a year receive all publications, and by their contributions assist in furthering the work of the Society. Institutions are accepted.

Articles and notes are invited by the editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.

All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the secretary, William H. Runge, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A. Enquiries concerning foreign memberships may be sent to the foreign secretaries.

The publication of volumes of Studies in Bibliography, the Papers of the Society, has been materially aided by anonymous grants, and by grants from the Research Committee of the University of Virginia and the Richmond Area University Center.


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William P. Barlow, Jr., Piedmont, California
Ingle Barr, Pacific Palisades, California
C. Waller Barrett, New York City
Robert Beare, New York City
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Curt F. Bühler, New York City
William H. Bulkeley, Hartford, Connecticut
Herbert Cahoon, New York City
Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, England
Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Charlottesville, Virginia
Mrs. Louis Henry Cohn, New York City
Jack Dalton, New York City
Colgate W. Darden, Norfolk, Virginia
Reginald Dunaway, University City, Missouri
Emory University, Emory University, Georgia
Charles E. Feinberg, Detroit, Michigan
Mrs. Eleanor L. Fletcher, Charlottesville, Virginia
Pierce W. Gaines, Fairfield, Connecticut
Robert Horace Garbee, Lynchburg, Virginia
Adrian Homer Goldstone, Mill Valley, California
John D. Gordan, New York City
Grolier Club, New York City
George L. Harding, Palo Alto, California
Richard B. Harwell, Brunswick, Maine
Emmet Field Horine, Brooks, Kentucky
Hunter Hughes, Washington, D.C.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Herman W. Liebert, New Haven, Connecticut
John E. Manahan, Scottsville, Virginia
Linton R. Massey, Keswick, Virginia
Melvin M. McCosh, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Nicholas Meyer, East Williston, New York
Davis W. Moore, Denver, Colorado
Howard S. Mott, Sheffield, Massachusetts
North Carolina Woman's College, Greensboro, North Carolina
William B. O'Neal, Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Sidney F. Parham, Jr., Roanoke, Virginia
The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri
Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Miss Louise Savage, Charlottesville, Virginia
Seven Gables Bookshop, New York City
S. R. Shapiro, New York City
Eleanor Shea, Charlottesville, Virginia
Rollo G. Silver, Boston, Massachusetts
Arthur B. Spingarn, New York City
Thomas W. Streeter, Morristown, New Jersey
Robert A. Tibbetts, West Lafayette, Indiana
Thomas F. Torrey, Madison Heights, Virginia
Willis Van Devanter, Upperville, Virginia
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Westdeutsche Bibliothek, Marburg, Germany
Miss Julia Wightman, New York City
Richard S. Wormser, Bethel, Connecticut
William Paul Wreden, Atherton, California
John Cook Wyllie, Charlottesville, Virginia


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James R. Soles

Michael A. Callahan
Alan W. Scheflin


Mr. L. A. Beaurline and Mr. R. L. Kellogg, of the University of Virginia English Department, addressed the Society jointly on Thursday, December 13, 1962, on "A Dialogue of the Body and Soul: Two Views of Old Spelling in Renaissance Texts."

Mr. R. A. Skelton, Superintendent of the Map Room at the British Museum, addressed the Society on "Watersheds in the History of Cartography, XIV-XXth Centuries," on January 21, 1963.

Mr. Fredson Bowers, Chairman of the English Department at the University of Virginia, spoke "On Collecting and Editing American Literature," to a joint dinner-meeting of the Society and the Baltimore Bibliophiles on May 11, 1963. The program for the visiting Bibliophiles included tours of "Monticello" and the Lawn of the University, and an informal gathering to view the treasures in the Rare Book and Manuscript Rooms of the University Library on May 11 and 12, 1963.

Mr. Charles Smith, professor of the Art Department at the University of Virginia and former member of our Council, was honored on May 16, 1963, when an exhibition of his typographical work was formally opened.


Studies in Bibliography, Volume 16, edited by Fredson Bowers. Sent to Contributing, Subscribing, and Student members. Additional copies available to members at $7.00. Available to non-members at $10.00.

Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. II: Parts i and ii (Measure for Measure; The Winter's Tale), edited by G. Blakemore Evans. Sent to all contributing members. Available to members at $13.00. Available to non-members at $20.00.

Evans' American Bibliography: Supplement (Checking Edition), by Roger P. Bristol. Available to members at $30.00 (Second copy, $5.00).

Secretary's News Sheet, Nos. 49 and 50. Sent to all members.


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(Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies.)

The Muses Mourn, a Checklist of Verse Occasioned by the Death of Charles II, by John Alden. $4.00 ($2.25 to members).

Checklist of Virginia Almanacs, 1732-1850, by James A. Bear. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions of the Letters of Junius, by T. H. Bowyer. $6.00 ($3.60 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in his American Bibliography, by Roger P. Bristol. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

Maryland Imprints, 1801-1810, by Roger P. Bristol. $7.50 ($4.00 to members).

Bibliography of the Chilean Novel, by Homero Castillo. $6.00 ($3.00 to members).

Heads Across the Sea: An Album of Eighteenth Century English Literary Portraits in America, by Frances Sharf Fink, $10.00 ($6.00 to members).

Romance Languages and Literatures as Presented in German Doctoral Dissertations, 1885-1950, a Bibliography, by Hans Flasche. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Centennial Check-List of the Editions of Henry David Thoreau's Walden, by Walter Harding. $3.00 ($2.00 to members).

A Bibliography of the Works of Fiske Kimball, by Mary Kane. $3.50 ($2.50 to members).

Borrowings from the Bristol Library, 1773-1841: A Unique Record of Reading Vogues, by Paul Kaufman. $5.00 ($4.00 to members).

A Checklist of Verse by David Garrick, by Mary E. Knapp. $5.00 ($3.00 to members).

Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1605-1640, by D. F. McKenzie. $8.00 ($4.50 to members).

A Preliminary Check List of Tennessee Imprints, 1861-1866, by Eleanor Drake Mitchell. $2.00 ($1.00 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books printed abroad, 1475-1640, by Paul G. Morrison. A second impression offset from the Secretary's copy, with a few corrections written in by hand. $6.00 ($5.00 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700, by Paul G. Morrison. $20.00 ($10.00 to members).

The North European Nations as Presented in German University Publications, 1885-1957, by Fritz Meyen. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Bibliography of American Belles-Lettres in German Translation, by Richard Mummendey. $12.50 ($8.25 to members).

A Preliminary Check List of Lexington, Kentucky, Imprints, 1821-1850, by Roscoe Pierson. $2.00 ($1.00 to members).

Bibliography of South Carolina, 1563-1950, by Robert J. Turnbull, 6 volumes. $100.00 ($75.00 to members).

A Carto-Bibliographical Study of The English Pilot the Fourth Book With Special Reference to the Charts of Virginia, by Collie Verner. $5.00 ($4.00 to members).


Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia, by C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill, II.

W. H. Auden Bibliography, by B. C. Bloomfield.

A Bibliography of Poe Criticism in English, by J. Lasley Dameron.

A Bibliography of George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, by R. A. Christophers.

W. S. Gilbert Anniversary Checklist, by Reginald Allen.

A Bibliography of Ellen Glasgow, by William W. Kelly.

Emerson's Library, by Walter Harding.

Valentine Simmes, by W. Craig Ferguson.

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