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Plate 94
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Plate 94

. . . .
O all ye Nations of the Earth behold ye the Jealous Wife [26]
The Eagle & the Wolf & Monkey & Owl & the King & Priest were there

The concluding line, 27, may be a late addition. From the evidence on Plate 95 (see comment) three conclusions can be drawn: that the text of Plate 94 was transferred without substantial change (beyond the addition of line 27, perhaps) from its earlier position on what is now Plate 95; that


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the picture at the top of the page is new; and that the picture at the bottom of the page lacked, in its earlier version which is still partly discernible beneath a later picture on 95, the rays of light and the dolmen on the horizon. The Census (p. 110) describes the two pictures on Plate 94 thus: "Above, a threefold man supine. Below, a woman lying face downwards on the body of an old man; Druid stones and a sunset [or sunrise?] glow in the background."

The only error of retranscription appears to be "Chastitity" for "Chastity" in line 23.

See comment on Plate 56 for the inference that this text is of early origin.