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For a discussion of the publication of some of Paulding's poems, see J. Albert Robbins, "Some Unrecorded Poems of James Kirke Paulding: An Annotated Check-List," Studies in Bibliography, III (1950-1951), 229-240.


In 1854 Paulding denied to Evert Duyckinck that he had ever contributed to the American Quarterly Review, when a study of the account books of Carey and Hart reveals that between 1827 and 1833 he wrote eleven articles for the Review. See my "Contributors to the American Quarterly Review, 1827-1833," Studies in Bibliography, XIV (1961), 163-176.


For a full discussion see my "James Kirke Paulding's Literary Income," Bulletin of the New York Public Library, LXIV (March, 1960), 117-129.


See Frank Luther Mott, A History of American Magazines, 1741-1850 (1938), p. 280.


Paulding's newspaper articles, particularly those written for the New York papers in the 1820's and 1830's, remain largely unidentified and offer a fascinating subject for someone with patience, imagination, and ingenuity.