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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 235


My dear friend

Some of the letters herewith enclosed have been
here for some time without my knowing it. The
others came to hand yesterday. I have also in hand
for you the Marquis Condorcet's essai on the probability
of decisions resulting from plurality of voices,[69]
which I understand from Mazzei is a gift from the
author. I shall forward it by the first conveyance.

There are public letters just arrived from Jefferson.
The contents are not yet known. His private letters
to me & others refer to his public political views. I
find that he is becoming more and more a friend to
the new Constitution, his objections being gradually
dispelled by his own further reflections on the subject.
He particularly renounces his opinion concerning
the expediency of a ratification by 9 & a
refusal by 4 States, considering the mode pursued by
Massts. as the only rational one, but disapproving
some of the alterations recommended by that State.
He will see still more room for disapprobation in the
reconsideration of other States. The defects of the
Constitution which he continues to criticize are the
omission of a bill of right, and of the principle of
rotation at least in the Ex. Departmt.

Congress have been some days on the question
where the first meeting of the new Congs. shall be


Page 236
placed. Philada. failed by a single voice from Delaware
which ultimately aimed at that place, but
wished to bring Wilmington into view. In that vote
N. Hampshire & Connecticut both concurred. N.
York is now in nomination and if those States accede
which I think probable, and Rhode Island which has
as yet refused to sit in the Question can be prevailed
on to vote which I also think probable, the point
will be carried. In this event a great handle I fear
will be given to those who have opposed the new
Govt. on account of the Eastern preponderancy in the
federal system.

Yrs. affely.
I enclose a copy of the ratification as proposed of
N. York. What think you of some of the expository

Condorcet's work on the application of the mathematical theory
of probabilities to judicial decisions first appeared in 1785.