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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 256


Dear Sir,—

I was yesterday favored with yours of the 17th, 18th,
under the same cover with the papers from Mr. Pleasants.
The circular letter from this State is certainly a matter of as
much regret as the unanimity with which it passed is matter of
surprize. I find it is every where, and particularly in Virginia
laid hold of as the signal for united exertions in pursuit of early
amendments. In Pennsylva, the antifederal leaders are I
understand soon to have a meeting at Harrisburg, in order to
concert proper arrangements on the part of that State. I
begin now to accede to the opinion, which has been avowed for
some time by many, that the circumstances involved in the
ratification of New York will prove more injurious than a
rejection would have done. The latter wd have rather alarmed
the well meaning antifederalists elsewhere, would have had
no ill effect on the other party, would have excited the indignation
of the neighbouring States, and would have been
necessarily followed by a speedy reconsideration of the subject.
I am not able to account for the concurrence of the
federal part of the Convention in the circular address, on any
other principle than the determination to purchase an immediate
ratification in any form or at any price, rather than
disappoint this City of a chance for the new Congress. This
solution is sufficiently justified by the eagerness displayed on
this point, and the evident disposition to risk and sacrifice
everything to it. Unfortunately the disagreeable question
continues to be undecided, and is now in a state more perplexing
than ever. By the last vote taken, the whole arrangement
was thrown out, and the departure of Rho. Island &
the refusal of N. Carolina to participate further in the business,
has left eleven States only to take it up anew. In this number
there are not seven States for any place, and the disposition
to relax as usually happens, decreases with the progress of
the contest. What and when the issue is to be is really more
than I can foresee. It is truly mortifying that the outset of


Page 257
the new Government should be immediately preceded by such
a display of locality, as portends the continuance of the evil
which has dishonored the old and gives countenance to some
of the most popular arguments which have been inculcated by
the southern antifederalists.

New York has appeared to me extremely objectionable on
the following grounds. It violates too palpably the simple
and obvious principle that the seat of public business should
be made as equally convenient to every part of the public,
as the requisite accommodations for executing the business
will permit. This consideration has the more weight, as well
on account of the catholic spirit professed by the Constitution,
as of the increased resort which it will require from every
quarter of the continent. It seems to be particularly essential
that an eye should be had in all our public arrangements to
the accommodation of the Western Country, which, perhaps
cannot be sufficiently gratified at any rate, but which might
be furnished with new fuel to its jealousy by being summoned
to the sea shore & almost at one end of the Continent.
There are reasons, but of too confidential a nature for any
other than verbal communication, which make it of critical
importance that neither cause nor pretext should be given for
distrusts in that quarter of the policy towards it in this. I
have apprehended also that a preference so favorable to the
Eastern States would be represented in the Southern as a
decisive proof of the preponderance of that scale, and a
justification of all the antifederal arguments drawn from that
danger. Adding to all this, the recollection that the first year
or two will produce all the great arrangements under the new
system, and which may fix its tone for a long time to come,
it seems of real importance that the temporary residence of
the new Congress, apart from its relation to the final residence,
should not be thrown too much towards one extremity of the
Union. It may perhaps be the more necessary to guard agst
suspicions of partiality in this case, as the early measures of the
new Government, including a navigation Act will of course
be most favorable to this extremity.


Page 258

But I own that I am much influenced by a view to the final
residence, which I conceive to be more likely to be properly
chosen in Philada. than in New York. The extreme excentricity
of the latter will certainly in my opinion bring on a
premature, and consequently an improper choice. This policy
is avowed by some of the sticklers for this place, and is known
to prevail with the bulk of them. People from the interior
parts of Georgia, S. C., N. C., & Va & Kentucky will never
patiently repeat their trips to this remote situation, especially
as the Legislative Sessions will be held in the Winter Season.
Should no other consequence take place than a frequent or
early agitation of this contentious subject, it would form a
strong objection agst N. York.

Were there reason to fear a repugnance to the establishment
of a final seat, or a choice of a commercial City for the
purpose, I should be strongly tempted to shun Philad at all
events. But my only fear on the first head is of a precipitancy
in carrying that part of the federal Constitution into
effect, and on the second the public sentiment as well as other
considerations is so fixedly opposed as to banish the danger
from my apprehensions. Judging from my own experience on
this subject, I conclude that from motives of one sort or
another ten States at least, (that is, 5 from each end of the
Union,) to say nothing of the Western States will at any
proper time be ready to remove from Philada. The only difficulty
that can arise will be that of agreeing on the place to
be finally removed to and it is from that difficulty alone, and
the delay incident to it, that I derive my hope in favor of the
banks of the Potowmac. There are some other combinations
on the subject into which the discussion of it has led me, but
I have already troubled you with more I fear than may
deserve your attention.

The Newspapers herewith inclosed contain the European
intelligence brought by the last packets from England.

With every sentiment of esteem & attachment I remain
Dear Sir, your Obedt & Affectc servt.