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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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My Dear Friend,

1. I returned hither from Philadelphia to which
place I had proceeded under arrangements for either
going on to Virginia or coming back as I might there
decide. Your very affectionate favor of the twentythird
ultimo found me in Philadelphia, after traveling
to New York, and I should have answered before
my return, had any matters for communication occurred
worth the expense of postage. I did not
make any observations on the scheme mentioned in
your letter from the Bolling Green,[31] because it had
an object which I thought it unadvisable to pursue;
because I conceived that my opinion had been fully
made known on the subject, and I wished not unnecessarily
to repeat or dwell on points, on which


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our ideas do not accord; and because I considered
part of your letter merely as a friendly communication,
and a pleasing pledge of your confidence, and
not as subject on which my ideas were wished. So
much indeed was this the case, that at the time of
answering that letter, I had not considered the expedient
with sufficient accuracy, as a means of attaining
the end proposed, to justify any opinion or
remarks touching its fitness. The difficulty which
struck me on a subsequent attention to it, and which
seem insuperable was that several legislatures would
necessarily have provided for a convention, and even
adjourned before amendatory propositions from Virginia
could be transmitted.

I have not since my arrival collected any additional
information concerning the progress of the
Federal Constitution. I discovered no evidence on
my journey through New Jersey, that any opposition
whatever would be made in that State. The Convention
of Pennsylvania is to meet on Tuesday next.
The members returned, I was told by several persons,
reduced the adoption of the plan in that State
to absolute certainty, and by a greater majority than
the most sanguine advocates had calculated. One
of the counties which had been set down by all on
the list of opposition, had elected deputies of known
attachment to the Constitution. I enclose herewith
sundry letters which came by the French Packet
just arrived. The letter from Col. H. Lewis, Mr.
Jefferson tells me is of great consequence. You will
have frequent opportunities during the assembly,


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of giving it a safe conveyance. I have myself
no public information by the packet, and have not
yet learnt that any of moment has been received at
the Office of Foreign Affairs. The intelligence passing
in conversation is that the Porte has declared
war against Russia, that notwithstanding the advance
of the Prussian troops into Holland, it is not
certain that an accommodation may not prevent actual
hostilities, and that in general it remains doubtful
whether war or peace in the western parts of
Europe is to result from the present crisis of affairs.
A great change has taken place again in the French
ministry. The Count de la (Luzerne), brother of the
Chavelier, succeeds the Marshall de Castries in the
Department of Marine. The provincial assemblies
are established, and some of them have already met.
The Marquis de la Fayette is a leading member in
that of Auvergne. The Parlemont has returned to
Paris and it is supposed that the court will not enforce
either the stamp duty or the territorial impost.
The Count de Moustier is appointed to the U. States
and may shortly be expected.

I do not find that a single State is represented
except Virginia, and it seems very uncertain when
a Congress will be made. There are individual members
present from several States; and the attendance
of this and the neighbouring States may, I suppose,
be obtained when it will produce a quorum.

With the most sincere and invariable affection

I remain my dear friend

Evidently in the letter referred to Randolph elaborated his scheme
for holding a second constitutional convention to consider amendments
to the proposed constitution.